Islam: Religion, Culture and Changing Societies

Week I

Topics of the week:

  • What is Islam and what do Muslims believe in?
  • What is the Qur’an and what does it say?
  • What does a Muslim’s daily religious life look like, what holidays they observe and why?
  • What distinguishes Muslims? What rules of conduct are related to religion and what are related to culture? Folk beliefs and the orthodox trend in Islam.
  • Where and why do changes in societies in the Middle East and North Africa begin?

Goals for the week:

  • Understand why topics related to religion and Islam, in general, are sensitive and what to consider when addressing these topics in the classroom.
  • Recognize the importance and significance of the Islamic religion in Islamic societies (North Africa and the Middle East and Arab countries).
  • Understand the religious and cultural differences, rituals and values of these regions.
  • Understand the changes taking place in these societies.