Interdisciplinary research from philosophy of science perspective

Conference presentations

This is a small selections from the presentations made by the members of the research team. The presentations listed here focus on three topics: philosophy of interdisciplinarity, philosophical analysis of work cultures and identities in science and the application of empirical methods in philosophy of science.

You can see more of the members’ presentations on their personal pages in ETIS (Estonian Research Information System) – there are links in the “People” section of this site.


  • Lõhkivi, E. (2019). “Infotehnoloogia interdistsiplinaarses teadustöös: arusaamise loomisest eri distsipliinide vahel”. XV Eesti Filosoofia Aastakonverents “Digiühiskond: filosoofilised perspektiivid”; Tallinna Tehnikaülikool; 30-31. august 2019.
  • Lõhkivi, E. (2019). “Interdisciplinary Research at Contemporary Universities”. The XXIX Baltic Conference in History and Philosophy of Science; University of Vilnius, Vilnius; 19-21 September 2019.
  • Lõhkivi, E. (2019). “Before and after the change: reflections on research cultures in Estonian physics institutes”. Conference”Diversity of science cultures during and after the Cold War”; Tallinn, Estonia; 14 June 2019.


  • Eigi, J.; Velbaum, K.; Lõhkivi, E.; Talpsepp-Randla, E.; Kokkov, K. (2018). “Misunderstandings and Epistemic Misjudgements in an Interdisciplinary Field and How Researchers Live with Them”. SPSP 2018. The 7th biennial conference of the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice; Ghent University, Ghent; June 30 – July 2, 2018.
  • Eigi, J.; Velbaum, K.; Lõhkivi, E.; Talpsepp-Randla, E. (2018). “Plurality of self-perceptions among interdisciplinary researchers and its implications for taxonomies of interdisciplinarity”. International workshop “How to evaluate interdisciplinary research? Conceptual, methodological and empirical challenges”; Tartu; Sept 29, 2018.
  • Eigi, J.; Velbaum, K.; Lõhkivi, E. (2018). “Using interviews when studying epistemic impacts of the work conditions in academia”. Learning from Empirical Approaches to HPS (LEAHPS; Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh; April 6th – 7th, 2018.
  • Lõhkivi, E. (2018). “First Chemistry, then … – What We Could Learn from Rein Vihalemm’s Account of Chemistry for the Study of Other Disciplines”. “Chemistry as an Interesting Subject for Philosophy: International Workshop in Honour of Rein Vihalemm (1938-2015)”; Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics, University of Tartu, Tartu; Dec 10, 2018.
  • Lõhkivi, E. (2018). “Metaphors, analogies and figurative speech in the studies of interdisciplinary research”. International workshop “How to evaluate interdisciplinary research? Conceptual, methodological and empirical challenges”. University of Tartu, Tartu; 29. September 2018.
  • Talpsepp-Randla, E. (2018). “Looking for essentialist thinking in interdisciplinary research”. International workshop “How to evaluate interdisciplinary research? Conceptual, methodological and empirical challenges”. University of Tartu, Tartu; 29. September 2018.


  • Eigi, J. (2017). “What does it mean for a research community to have shared norms?”. Nordic Network for Philosophy of Science Conference 2017; Copenhagen; 20.-21. April 2017.
  • Eigi, J.; Velbaum, K.; Lõhkivi, E.; Talpsepp, E. (2017). “On harms caused by different understandings of interdisciplinarity in a field”. Across Borders VII: Cultures in dialogue. Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu: April 27-29, 2017.
  • Lõhkivi, E. (2017). “Gendered Workplace Cultures at Chemistry Departments in Estonia”. 11th International Conference on the History of Chemistry; Trondheim; 2017.
  • Lõhkivi, E. (2017). “Interdisciplinarity and Normative Epistemology”. The XXVIII International Baltic Conference on the History of Science; Tartu; 18-20.05.2017.


  • Velbaum, K. (2016). “Cultural Studies in the service of philosophical analysis of academic culture and science”. SPSP 2016 Conference; Glassboro, New Jersey; 17-19 June 2016.


  • Lõhkivi, E. (2015). “Creating common language: about cultural analysis of interdisciplinary research on the example of language technology”. “Investigating Interdisciplinary Practice: Methodological Challenges” Workshop; Helsinki; 15-17 June 2015.
  • Lõhkivi, Endla (2015). “On the Cultural Study of Interdisciplinary Research”. The XXVII International Baltic Conference on the History of Science; Riga, Jelgava; 30.09-02.10.2015.


  • Lõhkivi, E. (2014). “Academic Identity and Professional Research Career”. The XXVI International Baltic Conference on the History of Science; Helsinki; August 21-22, 2014.


  • Lõhkivi, E. (2013). “Chilly Workplace Climate, Gender Segregation and Epistemic Injustice”. 2013 Atgender spring conference; Gothenburg; April 26-28, 2013.


  • Lõhkivi, E. (2012). “Studying the physics culture – what have we as philosophers of science learned?”, Empirical Philosophy of Science – Qualitative Methods; Sandbjerg, Aarhus University, Denmark; 21-23 March 2012.
  • Lõhkivi, E. (2012). “Who knows – an individual researcher, a group, or the entire research setting of people, ideas and material environment?”. The 25th International Baltic Conference on the History of Science, organized by the Baltic Association of the History and Philosophy of Science (BAHPS); Vilnius; 4.-6.10.2012.
  • Lõhkivi, E. (2012). “Gender Stereotypes and the Workplace Culture in Physics Institutes in Estonia”. “genderDynamics. Professional Cultures and Research Organizations in Physics” Kick-off Conference; Berlin; 22-23 November 2012.
  • Lõhkivi, E.; Velbaum, K.; Eigi, J. (2012). “Aims and values in the humanities research”. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) held jointly with European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST); Copenhagen, Denmark; October 17.-20., 2012.


  • Lõhkivi, E. (2011). “Is Workplace Culture Relevant for Philosophy of Science? A Case Study on Physics and Humanities”. EPSA11 Third Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association; Department of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens, Greece; 5-8 October 2011.
  • Lõhkivi, E.; Velbaum, K.; Eigi, J. (2011). “Scientific styles, identities and workplace cultures: A case study on the cultures of physics and humanities”.The third biennial conference of the Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice; University of Exeter, UK; 22-24 June 2011.
  • Lõhkivi, E.; Velbaum, K.; Eigi, J. (2011). “Scientific styles, identities and workplace cultures: a case study on the cultures of physics and humanities”. International workshop “Practical Realism – Towards a Realistic Account of Science”; Department of Philosophy, University of Tartu, Tartu; 15.-17.06.2011.


  • Lõhkivi, E. (2010). “Transforming the organisation of science practices: reflections on physics culture in Estonia”. EASST_010 Conference “Practicing Science and Technology, Performing the Social”; University of Trento, Italy; Sept 2-4 2010.