IAREP 2025: Behavioural Insights in Research and Policymaking

Keynote speakers

Anu Realo is a personality and cross-cultural psychologist. She is Professor at the University of Warwick and Visiting Professor at the University of Tartu. She is a member of the Academia Europaea and the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Her research focuses on cultural and individual variation in personality, subjective well-being, and social capital; she has collaborated widely with researchers from across a range of disciplines and cultures and has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed international journals. She has been a fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, and the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study. She is Past-President of the European Association for Personality Psychology and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the World Values Survey. In 2016, she was awarded the Order of the White Star (IV Class) by the President of Estonia for her outstanding service and contribution to the Republic of Estonia. 

Jaan Aru is an associate professor at the University of Tartu working on neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and the effect of technology on the human mind. He has published over 50 international scientific articles and two national bestsellers about the brain and creativity. For his efforts in popularizing science, he has received the national science communication prize in Estonia, twice. In 2019 he was awarded the Young Scientist Prize from the President of Estonia. In 2024 he received the Estonian National Research Award. 

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