UT HIV group


Pilleriin Soodla „Newly HIV infected people in Estonia: estimation of incidence and transmitted drug resistance“

On 22 October at 14 Pilleriin Soodla will defend her doctoral thesis „Newly HIV infected people in Estonia: estimation of incidence and transmitted drug resistance“.
Professor Irja Lutsar, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine Associate Professor in Infectious Diseases Matti Maimets, Institute of Clinical Medicine

Professor Cristina Mussini, Head of Department, Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy


Cooperation between AHF and E-HIV

AIDS HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION (AHF) contributed to the continuation of E-HIV during one year: July 12, 2018 – July 12, 2019. With the support of AHF the report to evaluate the capacity of data-input was developed, data of more than new 100 patients were inserted and data of more than 3000 of the patients involved to the database were added. On the basis of the new report 71 490 inputs were performed.

Ene-Ly Jõgeda defended her doctoral thesis „The influence of coinfections and host genetic factor on the susceptibility to HIV infection among people who inject drugs“ on 11-th June 2019.

Professor  Irja Lutsar (dr. med. (medical science), Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, University of Tartu,
Fellow Kristi Huik (PhD (medical science), Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, University of Tartu.

Professor Antonio Caruz (PhD), Department of Experimental Biology, University of Jaen, Spain.


ene-ly jõgeda lõpetamine