Uudsete materjalide ja energia salvestamise muundamise seadmete tippkeskus

Interaction Mechanisms

Structure Sensitive Interaction Mechanisms in Functional materials at nanoscale
Group leader: Ergo Nõmmiste, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu

Application of nanotechnology depends strongly on structure-dependent properties of various nanostructures. Without better understanding and ability to predict structure-properties relations the nanotechnology will hardly reveal its full potential. We focus on studying structure-properties relations mainly of technologically important carbon-based, oxides, and some complex nanostructures. We will uniquely combine precise sample preparation, high resolution microanalysis, nanomechanical manipulation, and synchrotron based research that enables determination of structural characteristics such as surface composition, defects, internal structure etc. from a new perspective tailoring these back to properties such as mechanical, electrical, and optical characteristic of nanostructures. This approach enables significant progress in advanced modeling of structure formation and structure-properties relations that in turn will have a significant impact on development of new technologies.