GENIRE: Generations and inter-generational relationships in the emerging information society
Doctoral dissertations
Blinka, L. (2013). The “good” and the “bad” of the internet: Studying subjective well-being as an outcome of young people’s online practices. Dissertationes de mediis et communicationibus Universitatis Tartuensis, 20. Tartu: University of Tartu Press.
Opermann, S. (2014). Generational use of news media in Estonia: Media access, spatial orientations and discursive characteristics of the news media. Södertörn Doctoral Dissertations, 96. Stockholm: Elanders.
Vinter, K. (2013). Digitaalse ekraanimeedia tarbimine 5-7-aastaste laste seas ja selle sotsiaalne vahendamine Eestis: Pedagoogiline vaatekoht (Social Mediation of Digital Screen Media Use Among 5-7 Year Old Estonian Children: a Pedagogical View). Sotsiaalteaduste dissertatsioonid (Dissertations in Social Sciences), 62. Tallinn: Tallinn University.