10th Eurovariety in Chemistry Education 2023


10th European Variety in University Chemistry Education 2023

Dates:  June 28 – June 30

Theme:  Promoting  science career awareness and transversal skills through chemistry in higher education

Look the video “Visit Estonia”:


Photo: Andres Tennus, University of Tartu 

This conference, run under the auspices of the EuCheMS Division of Chemical Education and the RSC Higher Education Group, is targeting issues in teaching and learning and continuing    Chemistry at college and university level. Papers may deal with the practical aspects of teaching chemistry or with research in chemistry education at third level (university or college), at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Papers on the pre-service education of chemistry teachers, as well CPD of in-service chemistry teachers or third level  staff members in chemistry are welcome.

The conference theme  “Promoting  science career awareness and transversal skills through chemistry in higher education”  is targeting the need for promoting transversal skills in teacahing chemistry at third level.

The Eurovariety conferences follow the tradition of the UK Variety in Chemistry Education (ViCE) conferences in encouraging chemists involved in teaching Chemistry at third level to share their experiences with and learn from colleagues from other institutions and other countries.

As well as invited plenary lectures there will be  workshops, oral and poster presentations.

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