
Virtual Exchange programs (VEs) and blended intensive mobilities (BIPs) have been rapidly expanding in recent years (EACEA report). VEs do not aim to fully replace physical study abroad programs like Erasmus+, but expand the scope and inclusivity of international exchanges to students who might financially struggle to study abroad and those facing mobility restrictions (ie. COVID-19 or visas). VEs also provide opportunities to enhance digital competences and soft skills (intercultural communication, critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork). These skills are in high demand in the current labour market (Coursera’s Campus Skills Report 2022). It is vital that HEs integrate digital and transferrable skills into course curricula to prepare students for future employment.

Currently, VEs in the Nordic-Baltic region are small-scale, explorative, or in pilot phase, and there is a strong intent among HEIs to develop and expand offerings to provide competitive, inclusive, and diverse study environments. Each EnVision partner brings specific competencies and experiences to enrich the network.

The project’s innovative aspect is to build VE capacity in the field of social sciences in the Nordic-Baltic region. Currently, the potentials of VEs are mainly used in the humanities for language learning. Considering that VEs helps students to develop interpersonal and intercultural skills, its benefits should be better incorporated and added to social science curricula to prepare graduates for the workplace.

This project has received funding from the Nordplus programme: project ID – NPHE-2023/10034.