MOOC: Auditing the Sustainability of Infrastructure

Course team

Kristiina Visnapuu, Auditor at the National Audit Office of Estonia

Kristiina was an infrastructure auditor at the National Audit Office of Estonia. She specialized in energy and before joining the NAOE researched energy security, the energy market and the renewable energy system in Estonia. In addition, Kristiina has participated in various international conferences, seminars and working groups on both environmental and infrastructure auditing, as well as, energy policy. She has written various articles and research papers on the Baltic energy market, both on gas and electricity, and participated in writing the INTOSAI WGEA research paper on market based instruments in environmental protection.

Silver Jakobson, Audit Manager at the National Audit Office of Estonia

Silver was an auditor in Performance Audit Department at the National Audit Office of (2013-2018). Silver mainly focused on auditing the technical infrastructure topic. Besides carrying out audit activities, he conducted several works and trainings about using databases and geographic information systems (GIS) in audit process. Silver also took part of several international seminars and working groups concerning energy policy and implementing large infrastructure projects. Since then he worked in the Ministry of the Environment and has now returned to the National Audit Office of Estonia as the audit manager for the infrastructure auditing team.

Silja Einberg, Auditor at the National Audit Office of Estonia

Silja has been working in the National Audit Office of Estonia in Performance Audit Department since 2018. Silja is specialized in auditing the technical infrastructure topics including roads, railways and transport. In addition, Silja has participated in various international conferences, seminars and working groups on infrastructure auditing, as well as transport policy. In her previous professional career, she has been working in the Ministry of the Environment with the funding of large infrastructure projects such as construction of drinking water and waste water systems and closing non-compliant landfills.

Kaire Kesküla, Head of International Relations at the National Audit Office of Estonia

Kaire worked at the Secretariat of INTOSAI WGEA (2010-2013) and thereafter also participated in audits conducted by the environmental and infrastructure audit teams of NAOE. She has experience in organising several environment-related training events and meetings as well as international (coordinated) audits. She was then an Advisor to the Secretariat of EUROSAI WGEA and coordinator of MOOCs prepared by the NAOE in collaboration with colleagues from EUROSAI and INTOSAI. Kaire is also an e-learning specialist certified by the INTOSAI Development Initiative in 2019.

Technical design:

Centre for Learning and Teaching, University of Tartu

Contact and feedback

Kaire Kesküla
National Audit Office of Estonia
Kiriku 2/4, 15013 Tallinn
Tel: +372 640 0100


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