Enlight/U4 Ancient World Winter School 2022
The individual and the community in the ancient world:
Enlight/U4 Ancient World Winter School 2022.
March 11-12, 2022, on Zoom
This year’s Enlight/U4 Ancient World Winter School focuses on the individual and/or the group in the ancient world. We present papers by PhD students and their supervisors, focusing on (power) relations in and between ancient cities and other, for example religious or philosophical communities or the interdependence of towns and the countryside (from Aegean prehistory to late antiquity). We also present studies, which reflect the responses of the individuals viz. the surrounding world in the antiquity, based on empirical evidence (textual or material, including linguistics) and the papers dedicated to the tradition of antiquity.
Target group: PhD students (and advanced master students) in all disciplines dealing with antiquity (ancient history, archaeology, cultural studies, ethnology, philosophy, religion studies, art history, linguistics, literary studies, rhetoric, ancient science etc.)
Organising Universities: Tartu University (Prof. Janika Päll, Dpt of Classical Philology, Janika.Pall@ut.ee; Ass. Prof. Mait Kõiv, Dpt of General History, Mait.Koiv@ut.ee); Elo-Mall Toomet (Elo-Mall.Toomet@ut.ee, Dpt of General History) in collaboration with Göttingen, Groningen, Ghent and Uppsala universities.