Development of Digital Competence in Pre-School Education

Module 5: Learning Digital Wellbeing in Kindergartens


Welcome to Module 5!


We have already understood that we live in the era of digital transformation. Digital technologies are omnipresent, and they are here to stay. This is our task to learn to use them to our advantage, simplify our lives, and spare time for us to contemplate over research and further discover the world. At the same time, we notice that technologies, mainly digital screen-based technologies, have become so potent that they can influence our lives negatively, bring stress, and overload us with information. The task for grown-ups is to develop skills to balance their life and share these skills with children who are more vulnerable, cannot always think critically, and discern potential threats. Digital well-being is a new skill we must master regardless of age, gender, location, occupation, or religion. 

In Module 5, we invite you to:
– reflect on your own experiences related to the stress connected with the use of digital technologies for both personal and professional purposes.
– become more aware of the challenges people of different ages face due to the rapid digital transformation. 
– think about “digital well-being” and what it means to achieve “digital balance.”
– concentrate on experiences shaping your attitudes to the omnipresence of technology in modern life.
– develop skills to help children learn digital balance and well-being. 


