Development of Digital Competence in Pre-School Education

Module 4: Learning Digital Safety and Responsible Use of Internet and Media in Kindergartens

Welcome to Module 4!


Preschool children use the Internet enthusiastically to watch videos or play games. Nowadays, children can access the Internet using various devices, such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs.
Getting online, your child has a high chance of encountering safety risks. Even though young children rarely use the Internet alone, the risk exists.
In this module, we will offer you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with various Internet security risks: content and contract risks. You will also have a chance to check, test, and develop your knowledge to recognize and prevent Internet security risks.
An adult should be able to implement various Internet safety measures to protect children from inappropriate content and activities.
In Module 4, we invite you to:
– reflect on your own experiences related to the safe usage of digital technologies for learning and teaching;
– discuss the benefits and challenges of raising children in today’s digital age;
– improve your digital competence, create learning materials for your children, use them in the classroom, and reflect on their use;
– think about the usage of educational technologies to nurture early childhood development;
– make informed decisions about which TV shows, movies, apps, and video games children watch and play;
– explore how to introduce digital citizenship and online safety in an accessible way with young children.


