
SUNDAY MARCH 26                                                     

All day  Arrival                                 

MONDAY MARCH 27                                                   

09:00-09:30      Introduction, Auditorium, third floor                     

09:30-10:30      Presentations, all the partner universities                                                           

10:30-11:15      Coffee,  Cafeteria, ground floor                

11:15-12:30      Presentatins continue

12:30-14:00      Lunch, Vadsbo school, 15 minutes’ walk

14:00-17:30      Tour of premises

18:30-19:30      Dinner, Main building downstairs  

19:30                Social activities, Student Pub/Café/Joinery

TUESDAY MARCH 28                                                    

09:00-09:45      The relevance of craft – past, present, future. Lecture on main theme. Auditorium, third floor

10:00-12:00      Parallel seminars, Rooms 304/307/308/309/310    

12.30-14:00      Lunch, Vadsbo

14:00-17:00      Short workshops

18:30-19:30      Dinner, Main building                

19:30-21:00      Craft night, Student Pub 

WEDNESDAY MARCH 29                                                            

09:00-12:00     Long workshops

12.30-14:00      Lunch, Vadsbo

14:00-17:30      Long workshops continue                                             

18:30-19:30      Pizza and beer, Student Pub                   

THURSDAY MARCH 30                                                

07:00                Breakfast

08:15                Busses leaving, Main building

09:00-17:30      Excursion day   

Morning: Västergötlands Museum                          

            Afternoon: Läckö Castle               

additional trip to the damask weaver’s workshop HT Damast 

18:30- 21:00     Farewell dinner, Main building                  

FRIDAY MARCH 31                                                        

09:00-10:00      Preparations, Auditorium                       

10:00-12:00      Presentation of workshop outcomes + seminar  Auditorium                       

12:30-14:00      Lunch, Vadsbo               

14:00    Departure                                                                                                         

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