Technical tour 6

Männikjärve natural raised bog and peatland restoration sites in Laiuse and Endla

Männikjärve raised bog is well known for its picturesque convex bog landscape with well established hollow-ridge-pool systems including more than 120 pools and Lake Männikjärve. It forms part of Endla Nature Reserve which main assets are the diverse wetland habitats of bogs, overgrowing lakes and karst springs. Here, in historical Tooma village mire research in Estonia started in 1910.

There are eight raised bog massifs separated by rivers, bog forests and lakes, among those Linnusaare bog as on of the biggest. While core of the Linnusaare bog is in excellent natural condition and serves as strict nature reservate, silvicultural and agricultural drainage in marginal areas of the bog has been historically dug and nowadays in these areas bog restoration works have started since 2015.

Laiuse bog is characteristic for drumlin area – long and narrow squeesed between drumlins but with deep peat layer atop of gyttja and lake sediments. Part of the bog was used as milled peat production area until activity abandonment in end of 1980-ies. Bog restoration in abandoned area started in 2017.

Männikjärve bog Restoration in Endla Laiuse restoration area

The total walking distance is ca 5 km. Rubber boots or good hiking boots are recommended in Linnusaare restoration site, comfortable walking shoes can be used in Männikjärve and Laiuse bog.