Web of Science

Search Results

Search results are sorted by relevance. This can be changed and you can sort the results, for example, by Date or by Citations, in order to find the most cited articles on your search topic or, in case of author search, the most cited articles of some certain author.



The left-hand menu Refine Results offers different possibilities for limiting search results: Publication Years, Document Types, Web of Science Categories, Authors, Affiliations, Publication Titles, Publishers, Countries/Regions, etc.

The right-hand menu Analyze Results offers even more options by showing the statistical analysis and graphical display of the results.

On the upper right-hand corner of the list of results you can find the Create Citation Report link. The Citation Report will show how many times the found works have been cited and what is their average citation rate in journals indexed by Web of Science. A graph will show citations and publications per year. A citation report can be especially useful if you search by author.

The h-index is given as well. This is also called the Hirsch index after Jorge E. Hirsch, who developed it in 2005. The h-index is a bibliometric tool which simultaneously captures the author’s productivity based on the total number of publications and their impact based on the total number of citations to those works. This indicates the largest number of the author’s articles which have been cited at least the same number of times. E.g., the h-index 20 indicates that the author has 20 publications, all of which have been cited 20 or more times. 




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