Web of Science
Cited Reference Search
Cited Reference Search searches among citations. All citations are indexed and when we select Cited Reference Search, the search will be carried out in the citation index. This allows finding articles that cite articles of a certain author (Cited Author), or finding the number of times an article is cited. On the Cited Work field you can enter the short title of the publication, or the first words of the title followed by asterisk (*). You can also browse relevant indices (Select from Index). When filling in the field Cited Work, you can also browse the list of journal title abbreviations. Before finishing the search it is important to include also the incorrect versions of the citations, e.g. the page numbers may be different or some element of the record may be missing.
Example of a search
We will search articles published in 2010-2020 that cite the works of psychologist Endel Tulving.
Search results display the article records from the citation index which contain the author E.Tulving. The results are sorted alphabetically by the first author and, within the range of one and the same author, by the title of the source. On the right you can find Citing Articles, which includes all WOS databases and all years. You can select all articles or certain articles among the results. We will select all and click See Results.
Results display the records of articles and other publications which cite the works that we have just selected. The records are sorted chronologically. The results can be sorted and analysed similarly to other search results (Refine Results on the left, etc.).