Tartu Conference on East European and Eurasian Studies

Submit Proposal

All paper, panel and roundtable proposals for the Eighth Annual Tartu Conference must be submitted using the ConfTool online platform. Before submitting a proposal, you must create an account in the ConfTool database. To begin, go to the Tartu Conference ConfTool home page and click on ‘Create account and submit contribution’. Please make sure the information you provide at registration is as accurate and complete as possible! We will use this information in all future communications with you, as well as for the conference programme. Follow the step-by-step instructions to complete the procedure.

Once your account has been created, you will be ready to submit your proposal. Once again, go to the ConfTool Tartu home page, log in and click on ‘Your Submissions’. We strongly encourage you, before creating a new proposal, to read the instructions related to specific proposal types by clicking on the respective link below. This will save your time in the process of submission.

Remember that you can edit your submitted proposal at any time before the submission deadline (20 January 2024). No changes will be possible after the deadline, as the proposals will be under consideration by the Programme Committee. Once your proposal is accepted, minor changes will be possible upon special request by e-mail.

IMPORTANT: we will contact you using conference e-mail addresses info@tartuconference.ut.ee and tartuconf2024@conftool.org. Please make sure these messages do not get lost in your spam filters!