Overview of the course

About the topic

The concepts and theory of signals and systems are needed in almost all electrical engineering fields and in many other engineering and scientific disciplines as well. They form the foundation for further studies in areas such as communication, signal processing, and control systems.

Aim of the course

The course is aimed at learning fundamentals of general methods of signal-processing and analysis and measurement of all kind of data. Skills are acquired how to apply the methods for comprehension of design and functioning of various hard- and software in electronics and telecommunication, as well as for systematization of knowledge on methods of mathematical physics.

Required preliminary knowledge

Introductory level of knowledge in physics as well as good understanding of calculus are required. Knowledge of English is required as some of the lectures and all of the tests are in English.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course the student will be able to:

  • Analyze and classify signals and systems
  • Apply Fourier, Laplace and Z transform when solving problems
  • Apply sampling theorem
  • Is familiar with specific terms associated with signals and systems (e.g. dB scale)
  • Recognize and characterize different systems

Organization of the course material

The course (overall volume 0.25 ECTS) is organized in five sections. The following parts are found in the sections:

  1. The sections start with a brief introduction stating the main topic(s) and study outcomes of the section.
  2. The main topic of the respective section is explained in a video lecture.
  3. Each section has complementary slides that present the main points of the topic.
  4. The lecture is followed by a quiz about the covered topic.

The course culminates with a self-test meant to check the student’s level of understanding of the topic.

Literature source

The course is mainly based on this book: H.P.Hsu, “Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of Signals and Systems“, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995.


Kaupo Voormansik is a doctoral student at the University of Tartu. His primary research focus is on Synthetic Aperture Radar applications. He received the M.Sc. degree in Space Studies from the International Space University, France, in 2009 and M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from the University of Tartu, Estonia, in 2009. From September 2011 to April 2012 Kaupo Voormansik worked at the DLR Microwaves and Radar institute as a junior researcher.

Karlis Zalite received M.Sc. degree in computer sciences from the Ventspils University College, Ventspils, Latvia, in 2007. He is pursuing a Ph.D. degree in physics from the University of Tartu. Since 2011, he has been with the Tartu Observatory, in the Department of Space Technology. His current research is concentrated on application of SAR imagery for environmental monitoring.

Käesolev õpiobjekt on autorikaitse all vastavalt Eesti Vabariigi autoriõiguse seadusele. Õpiobjekti varalised õigused kuuluvad Tartu Ülikoolile. Õpiobjekti on lubatud reprodutseerida, levitada ja avalikult esitada ainult õpiotstarbel kui tervikut, va refereerimine ja tsiteerimine motiveeritud mahus. Õpiobjekti ei ole lubatud kasutada kommertseesmärgil. Õpiobjekti igakordsel kasutamisel on kasutaja kohustatud viitama õpiobjekti autorile. Õpiobjekti pole lubatud muuta ega täiendada.

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