
Praktika- ja tööpakkumised / Traineeship and job offers

Praktika- ja tööpakkumised

Praktika- ja tööpakkumisi vahendab Tartu Ülikooli nõustamiskeskus.


BDO Eesti AS pakub praktikat maksu- ja õigusteenuste valdkonnas. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 12. veebruar.

Eesti Energia AS pakub IT projektijuhi praktikakohta. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 18. veebruar.

pm2am GmbH & Co. KG is offering travel coordinator and social media marketing internship.

The Associazione Interculturale UNIVERSO in Bologna, Italy, offers internships in projects regarding migration and refugees


Justiitsministeerium otsib ühinguõiguse nõunikku. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 7. veebruar.

Robogo MTÜ otsib robootika ja teaduslaagrisse “Robotics Winter School” laagrikasvatajat/noortejuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 12. veebruar.

Tartu Ülikool otsib administraatoreid. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 12. veebruar.

Tallinna Vangla otsib kriminaalhooldusametnikku. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 13. veebruar.

Tartu Ülikool otsib muuseumisse administraator-kassapidajat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 14. veebruar.

Tartu Ülikooli Üliõpilasesindus otsib projektijuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 15. veebruar.

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus otsib õpilaskodu kasvatajat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 15. veebruar.

Siseministeeriumi infotehnoloogia- ja arenduskeskus otsib Python arendajat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 18. veebruar.

Interlux OÜ otsib meditsiiniseadmete ja -tarvikute tootejuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 28. veebruar.

Eesti Folkloorinõukogu otsib Baltica projektijuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 10. mai.

Cemex is looking for Global Cement Operations Professional.

Konecranes OÜ otsib raamatupidajaid.

Studio Moderna OÜ otsib kõnekeskuse klienditeenindus- ja müügispetsialisti.

Eraisik otsib 10. klassi keemia järeleaitamistundide läbiviijat. Huvi korral pöörduda, 55523199.


Registration is open for traineeship in European Commission. Deadline for applying January 31. See also information about other internship opportunities in European Institutions.

MTÜ Mure Pooleks otsib grupijuhte kevadhooajaks. Infoõhtu toimub 1. veebruaril.

Ernst & Young Baltic AS otsib praktikanti ärikonsultatsioonide meeskonda. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 6. veebruar.

Robert Eisen Productions OÜ otsib graafilist disainerit. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 14. veebruar.

Erasmusland is offering internship in Italy.


Ethical Links ja Tartu Rahvusvaheline maja otsivad kultuuri- ja spordiürituste koordinaatorit. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 2. veebruar.

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus otsib digiturunduse spetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 11. veebruar.

Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilasesindus otsib Tartu Ülikooli 99. aastapäeva balli projektijuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 15. veebruar.

PRIA otsib investeeringutoetuste menetlejaid. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 18. veebruar.

Omanäoline EraHuvikool otsib kunsti- ja meisterdamisringide juhendajat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 22. veebruar.

Jaapani Suursaatkond ootab JET programmi kaudu kandideerima Jaapanisse inglise keele abiõpetajaks. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 9. märts.

Eesti AGA AS is looking for Danish speaking agent support administrator.


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna is offering an internship at the Center for International Relations. Application periode February 10 to March 10.

Avac Audit OÜ pakub praktikakohta vandeaudiitori assisteerimiseks.

Ernst & Young Baltic AS otsib auditiosakonda praktikanti.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internships in Asia.


Ernst & Young Baltic AS otsib maksukonsultanti ja IT-administraatorit. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 28. jaanuar.

Sakret OÜ otsib tehnoloogi. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 31. jaanuar.

PRIA otsib riskianalüütikut. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 4. veebruar.

Redeem Nordics OÜ is looking for a marketing assistant. Deadline for applying February 4.

Gateway&Partners otsib juunior müügijuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 5. veebruar.

AS A&P Mets otsib ostujuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 8. veebruar.

AS Avaron Asset Management otsib finantsspetsialisti ja Investor Relations spetsialisti.

Manpower OÜ is looking for a booking specialist.

Coinmedia OÜ otsib manager-testerit, raamatupidajat ja tõlkija-copywriterit.


Rahvusraamatukogu otsib vabatahtlikke, kes juhiksid külastajate ekskursioone ja aitaksid kaasa suurürituste korraldamises.

Ernst & Young Baltic AS otsib raamatupidamisteenuste osakonda praktikanti.

Evenor OÜ otsib turundusvaldkonna praktikanti.

Challenger Solutions OÜ is offering internship in engineering in Tartu, to contribute to the development of a new component that improves the performance of small wind turbines.

TRANSLIT is offering different internship positions in Ireland.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Seychelles.

Hotel Manager Europe is offering internship in Canary Islands.

Placement in Portugal aitab leida praktikakohti Portugalis.


SOCAR Trading OÜ otsib middle ja back office’i analüütikud. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 18. jaanuar.

Eesti Energia otsib ärianalüütikut. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 19. jaanuar.

Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool otsib õppekorralduse osakonna juhatajat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 19. jaanuar.

Tallinna Vangla otsib sotsiaaltöötajat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 21. jaanuar.

StatFinn and EPID Research is looking for administrative and HR assistant in Tartu office. Deadline for applying January 22.  

Tallinna Vangla otsib nooremametnikku. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 24. jaanuar.

EstateGuru otsib ärilaenude müügikonsultanti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 26. jaanuar.

Huvitava Bioloogia Kool otsib venekeelsete õppeprogrammide juhendajat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 31. jaanuar.

AGA is looking for specialty gases & equipment administrator, customer service administrators with Swedish, Danish or Norwegian language skills or Finnish skills.

OÜ Trives otsib oma meeskonda uusi liikmeid okaspuidust liistude ja komponentide tootmisel.

AKKA Technologies is offering Graduate Engineering Program.

Delavue Est OÜ otsib dermatoveneroloogi.


University of Economics in Bratislava is offering internship in International Mobility Department. Deadline for applying January 15.

Euradionantes, the European radio school based in Nantes, France is offering internship.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology is offering Research Internship (application form).

The Aalto Science Institute is offering internships.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Canary Islands, Maldives and Mexico.

Hotel Manager Europe is offering internship in Canary Islands.

The European Central Bank is offering different internship opportunities.


Eclareon is looking for a researcher with language skills in Italian for research works on climate, energy and environment policies. Deadline for applying January 15.

Icosagen Cell Factory OÜ otsib projektijuhti bioloogiliste ravimikandidaatide tootmise suunal. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 15. jaanuar.

aTalent is looking for account manager. Deadline for applying January 14.

Narva Muuseum otsib sihtasutuse juhatuse liiget. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 21. jaanuar.

Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum otsib teadurit. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 29. jaanuar.

Economic and Commercial office of Wallonia (Belgium) in the Baltic countries (based in Riga, Latvia) is looking for a Commercial Assistant.

Eraisik otsib matemaatika abiõpetajat gümnaasiumi õpilasele. Kontakt: 551 4530,


The European Central Bank is offering different internship opportunities.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internships in Canary Islands.


Tallinna Vangla otsib kahte kriminaalhooldusametnikku. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 26. detsember.

PRIA otsib eelarve- ja analüüsiosakonna analüütikut. Kandideerimise tähtag 31. detsember.

Gustav otsib kondiitritoodete ja valmistoitude müügiesindajat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 2. jaanuar.

Noored Kooli programm otsib osalejaid. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 6. jaanuar.

PRIA otsib turukorralduse büroo peaspetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 14. jaanuar.

Studio Moderna otsib kõnekeskuse klienditeenindus- ja müügispetsialisti


Oulu University of Applied Sciences is offering internship in international services. Deadline for applying December 15.

The European Central Bank is offering traineeship in Directorate Risk Management, Deadline for applying January 2. 

The European Central Bank is offering European Banking Supervision traineeship. Deadline for applying January 29.

Placement Slovakia pakub erinevaid Erasmus+ praktikavõimalusi.

Bella Vista hotel is offering hotel internships and marketing and communication internship in Greece.


Studio Moderna otsib kõnekeskuse klienditeenindus- ja müügispetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 13. detsember.

Tartu Ülikool otsib administraatorit. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 18. detsember.

In Nomine otsib PR-konsultanti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 19. detsember.

Sakret OÜ otsib tehnoloogi. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 14. jaanuar.

Glass Lewis Europe is looking for governance research associate with Swedish, Norwegian or Finnish language skills in Ireland. 

AGA is looking for customer service administrators.


The European Central Bank is offering traineeship in Legal Services. Deadline for applying December 19.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internships in Dubai and Mexico.


Mobi Solutions & Astrec is looking for investment associate. Deadline for applying December 6.

PRIA otsib arengutoetuste osakonna leader toetuste büroo peaspetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 10. detsember.

Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilasesindus võtab tööle liikmehaldusspetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 11. detsember.

PRIA otsib arhitektuurimeeskonna analüütikut. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 12. detsember.

PwC otsib siirdehindade valdkonna konsultanti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 12. detsember.

Kuressaare Kultuurivara otsib turundusjuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 12. detsember.

Tallinna Vangla otsib kriminaalhooldusametnikku. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 13. detsember.

Eesti Rahva Muuseum otsib konserveerimisosakonda metoodikut. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 14. detsember.

Ernst & Young Baltic AS otsib finantsanalüütikut. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 17. detsember.

PRIA otsib kalandustoetuste büroo peaspetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 31. detsember.


Architectural office TEMPT is offering internships in Tallinn.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Sri Lanka.

Hotel Manager Europe is offering hotel internships in Canary Islands.


HR factory OÜ otsib personalijuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 4. detsember.

YFU Eesti MTÜ otsib väljaminevate õpilaste programmispetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 4. detsember.

Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilasesindus võtab tööle liikmehaldusspetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 11. detsember.

MTÜ Robogo otsib laagrikasvatajat/noortejuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 11. detsember.

Mercans Estonia OÜ is looking for a backend developer.

eAgronom is looking for Lithuanian speaking customer success manager.


The European Central Bank is offering traineeship in the Directorate General Microprudential Supervision. Deadline for applying December 4.

The European Central Bank is offering traineeship in the Directorate General Information Systems. Deadline for applying December 18.

PIC Management is offering internships in hospitality and business in different locations.

Many Portuguese educational institutions offer internship of Erasmus+ program.


Eesti Spordi- ja Olümpiamuuseum otsib külastusjuhtifoto- ja digikuraatorit ja turundusspetsialisti.

PRIA otsib arendusosakonna nõunikku. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 3. detsember.

Rahandusministeerium otsib riigihalduse ja avaliku teenistuse osakonda nõunikku ning peaspetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 3. detsember.

Sihtasutus Narva Muuseum otsib juhatuse liiget. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 4. detsember.

Krempel otsib kokka.

AKKA Technologies is offering Graduate Engineering Program


European Central Bank is offering traineeship and PhD traineeship in communication. Deadline for applying November 29.

University of Burgundy is offering internship in international office. Deadline for applying December 10.

PIC Management is offering different internship opportunities abroad.

UMAI Restaurant Technology is offering different internship and job opportunities.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Canary Islands.


Manpower otsib raamatupidamisassistenti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 18. november.

Eesti teadus- ja arendustegevuse Brüsseli büroo otsib püsistažööri. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 19. november.

Eesti Rahva Muuseum otsib kohviku ja restorani teenindajaid. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 19. november.

Elektrilevi otsib Scada spetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 20. november.

Elektrilevi otsib Scada peaspetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 1. detsember.

Eraisik otsib õpetajat füüsika järeleaitamistundideks keskkooli õpilasele.

Eesti Spordi- ja Olümpiamuuseum otsib külastusjuhtifoto- ja digikuraator ja turundusspetsialisti.


Ernst & Young Baltic AS otsib ärikonsultatsioonide meeskonda praktikanti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 12. november.

University of Economics in Bratislava is offering Erasmus internship. Deadline for applying January 15.

Placement Slovakia pakub erinevaid Erasmus+ praktikavõimalusi.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Mexico.


PRIA otsib maaelu investeeringutoetuste büroo peaspetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 16. november.

Eclareon is looking for student research assistants in climate, energy and environment policies with language skills in Spanish/Italian/Portuguese, Danish/Swedish and Polish. Deadline for applying November 17.

HR factory OÜ otsib müügijuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 19. november.

Üliõpilasküla Sihtasutus otsib klienditeenindajat.

Playtech Estonia OÜ is looking for technical writer.

eAgronom is looking for customer success manager.

Taxify palkab Tartu kontorisse 70 spetsialisti.

Topcurve is looking for WordPress UI Designer / Front-End Developers.

Topcurve is looking for Marketing and Sales Representative.


Tartu Loodusmaja ja Eesti Roheline Liikumine pakuvad võimalust praktikaks ja vabatahtlikuks tööks. Infoõhtu 31. oktoobril.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Dubai.


TÜ muuseum otsib haridusprogrammide kuraatorit. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 31. oktoober.

Otto Bock Estonia AS otsib regulatiivnõuete spetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 10. november.

Ühing Korruptsioonivaba Eesti otsib suurelt mõtlevat kolleegi. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 10. november.

Playtech Estonia OÜ otsib Java arendajat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 10. november.

Fortumo otsib tarkvaraarendajat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 10. november.

Tartu Ülikooli sotsiaalteaduslike rakendusuuringute keskus otsib projektijuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 12. november.

Ernst & Young Baltic AS otsib raamatupidajat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 12. november.

Finnair otsib ärianalüütikut. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 15. november.

AS Avaron Asset Management otsib finantsspetsialisti ja investorsuhete spetsialisti.


Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ International Services is offering a traineeship. Deadline for applying November 11.

Tartu Aparaaditehas otsib praktikante ja vabatahtlikke.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Thailand.

Hotel Manager Europe is offering hotel internships in Spanish and German islands and Ireland.


Johannes Mihkelsoni Keskus otsib teavitusürituste koordinaatorit. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 25. oktoober.

Ernst & Young Baltic AS otsib auditiosakonda konsultante. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 29. oktoober.

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus otsib inglise keele õpetajat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 29. oktoober.

TÜ loodusmuuseum ja botaanikaaed otsib turundus- ja kommunikatsioonijuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 30. oktoober.

TÜ arvutiteaduste instituut otsib sekretäri. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 30. oktoober.

Studio Lingua HR Agency otsib inglise keele õpetajat.

TÜ Kliinikumi psühhiaatriakliinik otsib tegevusjuhendajat.

Audio Fanatic Group OÜ otsib müügiesindajat.


Deloitte otsib finants- ja siseauditi praktikante. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 22. oktoober. 

Justiitsministeerium otsib õigusteaduste praktikante. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 24. oktoober.

Baltic-American Freedom Foundation pakub võimalust teha oma erialale vastavat praktikat USA-s. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 30. oktoober.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Canary Islands.

TRANSLIT is offering different internship positions in Ireland.


Tartu Linnamuuseum otsib turundus- ja kommunikatsioonijuhti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 19. oktoober.

PRIA otsib andmeaida süsteemianalüütikut ja geoinfosüsteemide arendaja-analüütikut. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 23. oktoober.

Tartu Ülikooli katseloomakeskus otsib laboranti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 27. oktoober.

PRIA otsib eelarve- ja analüüsiosakonna peaspetsialist-analüütikut. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 29. oktoober.

Henkel Balti OÜ otsib personaliassistenti. Tööd on võimalik teha ka praktikana. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 30. oktoober.

Tartu Kunstimuuseum otsib valvureid performatiivsesse installatsiooni “Oodates”.

Tähtvere tennise- ja tantsukeskus pakub tööd administraatorile.

Lapsevanem otsib 10. klassi õpilasele reaalainete abiõpetajat.


Tartu Ülikooli õppeosakonna rahvusvahelise õpirände keskus otsib praktikanti. Kui Sulle meeldib tegeleda informatsiooni koondamisega ja korrastamisega, anna endast märku aadressil Kandideerimise tähtaeg 13. oktoober.

AS PricewaterhouseCoopers otsib finantsauditi praktikante. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 20. oktoober.

University of Agder is offering internship at the International Education Office. Deadline for applying October 20.

Ernst & Young Baltic AS otsib auditiosakonda praktikante. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 22. oktoober.

Mykolas Romeris University is offering internship at International Mobility and Students Office. Deadline for applying November 30.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Mexico.

Hotel Manager Europe is offering hotel internship in Canary Islands.


CXL Agency is looking for Project Manager Assistant. Deadline for applying October 18.

Luisa tõlkebüroo otsib noortõlkijaid. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 31. oktoober.

Pärnu Linnavalitsus otsib huviringi programmeerimise õpetajat.

Fujitsu otsib Java arendajat

Topcurve is looking for WordPress UI Designer / Front-End Developer.

Topcurve is looking for Marketing and Sales Representative.

EdVisor is looking for copywriters.


Ernst & Young Baltic AS otsib praktikanti ärikonsultatsioonide meeskonda. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 12. oktoober.

Placement in Portugal aitab leida praktikakohti Portugalis.

Cemex pakub praktikakohti IT valdkonnas.

Tartu Ülikooli ideelabor otsib turundus- ja kommunikatsioonipraktikanti. Kui Sulle meeldib kirjutada ja pildistada, anna endast märku aadressil


SA Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi Lastefond otsib vabatahtlikku blogijat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 8. oktoober.

Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilasesindus võtab tööle õigus- ja poliitikanõuniku. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 2. oktoober.

Justiitsministeerium otsib sisekontrolöri. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 5. oktoober.

Eesti Energia AS otsib telefonimüügi konsultante Rootsi ja Soome klientidele. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 9. oktoober.

Johannes Mihkelsoni Keskus otsib arvutiõpetajat ja konsultanti.

Proekspert AS otsib tarkvara arendajat.

Ülikoolis töötav pere vajab lapsehoidjat.

aTalent Recruiting OÜ aitab noorel talendil leida tööd ettevõtluse ja tehnoloogia valdkonnas.


European Central Bank is offering a traineeship in Market Infrastructure Development. Deadline for applying October 9.

Baltic-American Freedom Foundation pakub võimalust teha oma erialale vastavat praktikat USA-s. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 30. oktoober.

Europroyectos Erasmus Plus is offering an internship in project assistance in Malaga, Spain.

Apartamentos Morromar offers hotel internships in Spain.

Hotel Manager Europe is offering hotel internship in Canary Islands.

SA Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi Lastefond ootab vabatahtlikke. Värbamisõhtu 26. septembril kell 18.30.


Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilasesindus võtab tööle õigus- ja poliitikanõuniku. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 1. oktoober.

Eesti Energia AS otsib elektrikauplejat-tootmise planeerijat. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 2. oktoober. 

PRIA otsib IT analüütikut. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 3. oktoober.

Manpower is looking for Payroll/HR specialist and team leader. Deadline for applying October 8.  

Tervise arengu instituut otsib kandidaate „Imelised aastad“ vanemlusprogrammi grupijuhiks. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 9. oktoober.

Viljandi Kutseõppekeskus otsib matemaatika õpetajat.

Rakvere eragümnaasium pakub tööd gümnaasiumi loodusainete õpetajale.

Manpower is looking for customer service agents.

Work & Travel OÜ kutsub laagritesse grupijuhiks, mentoriks või õpetajaks Camp America programmis.

GoWorkaBit pakub võimalusi tööampsudeks.


Alanud on taotluste esitamine praktikaks Euroopa Liidu Nõukogus. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 16. oktoober.  

Ales Consulting International offers a paid hotel internship in Maldives.


MTÜ Johannes Mihkelsoni Keskus otsib oma ridadesse tugiisikuid. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 21. september.

Tartu Hansa Kool otsib oma tegusasse ja toimekasse meeskonda psühholoogi. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 2. oktoober.

Kiirelt kasvav koolituskeskus pakub projektipõhist tööd koolitajatele ning koolitus- ja turundusjuhile.

Language School and Education Centre FAKTUM Opava is looking for teachers.


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna is offering an internship at the Center for International Relations. Application periode 15 September – 10 October.

Ales Consulting International is offering paid internship opportunities on Canary Islands.


Eesti Rahva Muuseum otsib garderoobi teenindajaid. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 14. september.

Uuringupartner OÜ otsib küsitlejaid kuupäevadel 18., 19. ja 20. september.

Redeem Nordics is looking for a Sales Executive. Deadline for applying September 30.

Tallinna kohtutäitur Toomas Saarma büroo otsib tehnilist assistenti. Tähtaeg 5. oktoober.

Mercans Estonia OÜ is looking for a Backend Developer.


The Directorate General Communications of the European Central Bank is seeking applications from recent graduates, or students who are close to completing their studies, to participate in a Swedish Translator Traineeship in the Language Services Division for a period of three months. Closing Date for Applications September 13.

Study Estonia is looking for an international student, who could assist the marketing team with inquiries (part-time position/internship). Information is available at Archimedes Foundation`s website. Deadline for applying September 17.

Hotel Manager Europe offers the Paid Hotel Internships in Spain (Barcelona, Ibiza , Malaga, Canary Islands). Start: March / April 2018.

Ales Consulting International offers an excellent selection of paid internship positions in Sri Lanka.

There are looking for students that would be working in company as Erasmus students in the field of personal development and personal growth.


MTÜ Mure Pooleks otsib sotsiaalvaldkonna tudengeid grupijuhtideks. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 8. september.

LHV  otsib tehnilist värbajat, kelle väljakutseks on toetada LHV kasvu, leida ja hoida IT valdkonna parimaid tegijaid (Tallinn). Kandideerimise tähtaeg 10. september.

LHV otsib tööandja brändi juhti, kelle ülesandeks on eduloo toetamine ja jagamine erinevates kanalites (Tallinn). Kandideerimise tähtaeg 10. september.

Tartu Ülikool võtab turundus- ja kommunikatsiooniosakonda tööle rahvusvahelise turunduse spetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 11. september.

Icosagen Cell Factory OÜ pakub tööd kliendisuhete – ja müügijuhi ametikohale Euroopa suunal. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 30. september.

Bigbank ootab oma meeskonnaga liituma grupi riskide raporteerimise juhti. Vaata lähemalt kodulehelt.

Tööpakkumine isiklikule assistendile/asjaajajale.

Playtech’s System QA Team is looking for a Senior Test Engineer.


The Directorate General Communications of the European Central Bank is seeking applications from recent graduates, or students who are close to completing their studies, to participate in a Swedish Translator Traineeship in the Language Services Division for a period of three months. Closing Date for Applications: 13.09.2017

Study Estonia is looking for an international student, who could assist the marketing team with inquiries (part-time position/internship). Information is available at Archimedes Foundation`s website Deadline for applying: 17.09.2017

Hotel Manager Europe offer the Paid Hotel Internships in Spain (Barcelona,  Ibiza , Malaga, Canary Islands). Start: March / April 2018.

Ales Consulting International offers an excellent selection of paid internship positions in Sri Lanka.

There are looking for students that would be working in company as Erasmus students in the field of personal development and personal growth.


MTÜ Mure Pooleks otsib sotsiaalvaldkonna tudengeid grupijuhtideks. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 08.september

LHV  otsib tehnilist värbajat, kelle väljakutseks on toetada LHV kasvu, leida ja hoida IT valdkonna parimaid tegijaid (Tallinn). Kandideerimise tähtaeg   10.september

LHV otsib tööandja brändi juhti, kelle ülesandeks on eduloo toetamine ja jagamine erinevates kanalites (Tallinn). Kandideerimise tähtaeg   10.september

Tartu Ülikool võtab turundus- ja kommunikatsiooniosakonda tööle rahvusvahelise turunduse spetsialisti. Kandideerimise tähtaeg 11.september

Icosagen Cell Factory OÜ pakub tööd  kliendisuhete – ja müügijuhi ametikohale Euroopa suunal. Kandideerimis tähtaeg 30.september

Bigbank ootab oma meeskonnaga liituma grupi riskide raporteerimise juhti. Vaata lähemalt:

Tartu Variku Kool otsib  eesti keele õpetajat:

Tööpakkumine isiklikule assistendile/asjaajajale.

Playtech’s System QA Team is looking for a Senior Test Engineer.

Traineeship and job offers

Various of practice and work offers for  students and graduated. Use the opportunity to test yourself and your knowledge in different  organizations in Estonia or start your International career!


pm2am GmbH & Co. KG is offering travel coordinator and social media marketing internship.

The Associazione Interculturale UNIVERSO in Bologna, Italy, offers internships in projects regarding migration and refugees.


Cemex is looking for Global Cement Operations Professional.

Konecranes OÜ is looking for accountants.


Registration is open for traineeship in European Commission. Deadline for applying January 31. See also information about other internship opportunities in European Institutions.

Erasmusland is offering internship in Italy.


Eesti AGA AS is looking for Danish speaking agent support administrator.


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna is offering an internship at the Center for International Relations. Application periode February 10 to March 10.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internships in Asia.


Redeem Nordics OÜ is looking for a marketing assistant. Deadline for applying February 4.

Manpower OÜ is looking for a booking specialist.

Coindmedia OÜ is looking for people to join Publisher Managers team.


Challenger Solutions OÜ is offering internship in engineering in Tartu, to contribute to the development of a new component that improves the performance of small wind turbines.

TRANSLIT is offering different internship positions in Ireland.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Seychelles.

Hotel Manager Europe is offering internship in Canary Islands.

Placement in Portugal helps to find internship positions in different fields.


StatFinn and EPID Research is looking for administrative and HR assistant in Tartu office. Deadline for applying January 22. 

AGA is looking for specialty gases & equipment administrator, customer service administrators with Swedish, Danish or Norwegian language skills or Finnish skills.

AKKA Technologies is offering Graduate Engineering Program.


University of Economics in Bratislava is offering internship in International Mobility Department. Deadline for applying January 15.

Euradionantes, the European radio school based in Nantes, France is offering internship.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology is offering Research Internship (application form).

The Aalto Science Institute is offering internships.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Canary Islands, Maldives and Mexico.

Hotel Manager Europe is offering internship in Canary Islands.

The European Central Bank is offering different internship opportunities.


Eclareon is looking for a researcher with language skills in Italian for research works on climate, energy and environment policies. Deadline for applying January 15.

aTalent is looking for account manager. Deadline for applying January 14.

Economic and Commercial office of Wallonia (Belgium) in the Baltic countries (based in Riga, Latvia) is looking for a Commercial Assistant.


The European Central Bank is offering different internship opportunities.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internships in Canary Islands.


Oulu University of Applied Sciences is offering internship in international services. Deadline for applying December 15.

The European Central Bank is offering traineeship in Directorate Risk Management, Deadline for applying January 2. 

The European Central Bank is offering European Banking Supervision traineeship. Deadline for applying January 29.

Placement Slovakia if offering Erasmus+ traineeship in different positions.

Bella Vista hotel is offering hotel internships and marketing and communication internship in Greece.


Glass Lewis Europe is looking for governance research associate with Swedish, Norwegian or Finnish language skills in Ireland. 

AGA is looking for customer service administrators.


Oulu University of Applied Sciences is offering internship in international services. Deadline for applying December 15.

The European Central Bank is offering traineeship in Directorate Risk Management, Deadline for applying January 2. 

The European Central Bank is offering European Banking Supervision traineeship. Deadline for applying January 29.

Placement Slovakia if offering Erasmus+ traineeship in different positions.

Bella Vista hotel is offering hotel internships and marketing and communication internship in Greece.


Glass Lewis Europe is looking for governance research associate with Swedish, Norwegian or Finnish language skills in Ireland. 

AGA is looking for customer service administrators.


The European Central Bank is offering traineeship in Legal Services. Deadline for applying 19 December.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internships in Dubai and Mexico.


Mobi Solutions & Astrec is looking for investment associate. Deadline for applying December 6.


Architectural office TEMPT is offering internships in Tallinn.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Sri Lanka.

Hotel Manager Europe is offering hotel internships in Canary Islands.


Mercans Estonia OÜ is looking for a backend developer.

eAgronom is looking for Lithuanian speaking customer success manager.


The European Central Bank is offering traineeship in the Directorate General Microprudential Supervision. Deadline for applying December 4.

The European Central Bank is offering traineeship in the Directorate General Information Systems. Deadline for applying December 18.

PIC Management is offering internships in hospitality and business in different locations.

Many Portuguese educational institutions offer internship of Erasmus+ program.


AKKA Technologies is offering Graduate Engineering Program.


European Central Bank is offering traineeship and PhD traineeship in communication. Deadline for applying November 29.

University of Burgundy is offering internship in international office. Deadline for applying December 10.

PIC Management is offering different internship opportunities abroad.

UMAI Restaurant Technology is offering different internship and job opportunities.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Canary Islands.


University of Economics in Bratislava is offering Erasmus internship. Deadline for applying January 15.

Placement Slovakia if offering Erasmus+ traineeship in different positions.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Mexico.


Eclareon is looking for student research assistants in climate, energy and environment policies with language skills in Spanish/Italian/Portuguese, Danish/Swedish and Polish. Deadline for applying November 17.

Playtech Estonia OÜ is looking for technical writer.

eAgronom is looking for customer success manager.

Topcurve is looking for WordPress UI Designer / Front-End Developers.

Topcurve is looking for Marketing and Sales Representative.


Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Dubai.


Playtech Estonia is looking for Junior Java Developer. Deadline for applying November 10.

Fortumo is looking for Software Engineer. Deadline for applying November 10.

Finnair is looking for Business Analyst. Deadline for applying November 15.


Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ International Services is offering a traineeship. Deadline for applying November 11.

Tartu Aparaaditehas is offering traineeship and volunteering opportunities.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Thailand.

Hotel Manager Europe is offering hotel internships in Spanish and German islands and Ireland.


Baltic-American Freedom Foundation offers professional internships in different fields in United States. Deadline for applying October 30.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Canary Islands.

TRANSLIT is offering different internship positions in Ireland.


University of Agder is offering internship at the International Education Office. Deadline for applying October 20. 

Mykolas Romeris University is offering internship at International Mobility and Students Office. Deadline for applying November 30.

Ales Consulting International is offering hotel internship in Mexico.

Hotel Manager Europe is offering hotel internship in Canary Islands.


CXL Agency is looking for Project Manager Assistant. Deadline for applying October 18.

Topcurve is looking for WordPress UI Designer / Front-End Developer.

Topcurve is looking for Marketing and Sales Representative.

EdVisor is looking for copywriters.


Placement in Portugal helps to find internship positions in different fields. 

Cemex offers internship in different IT positions.


Proekspert AS is looking for a senior developer

Johannes Mihkelson Centre is looking for a computer teacher and consultant.

aTalent Recruiting OÜ helps young talents to find job in business and technology field.

The University of Tartu’s Career Day will be  held on February 15th  2018. If you want to take part in the organization of a Career Day, please write to In the letter, indicate why you want to join the team and what tasks you are ready to complete. You can choose between general event organization, marketing and communication activities and budgeting fields. The deadline is September 29. By participating in the organization, student will later have the opportunity to receive an accredited project-based practice subject.


European Central Bank is offering a traineeship in Market Infrastructure Development. Deadline for applying October 9. 

Baltic-American Freedom Foundation offers professional internships in different fields in United States. Deadline for applying October 30.

Europroyectos Erasmus Plus is offering an internship in project assistance in Malaga, Spain.

Apartamentos Morromar offers hotel internships in Spain.

Hotel Manager Europe is offering hotel internship in Canary Islands.


Manpower is looking for Payroll/HR specialist and team leader. Deadline for applying October 8. 

Manpower is looking for customer service agents.

GoWorkaBit offers simple temporary jobs all year round.


Applications for traineeships in European Council is open. Deadline for applying October 16.

Ales Consulting International offers a paid hotel internship in Maldives.


Language School and Education Centre FAKTUM Opava is looking for teachers.


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna is offering an internship at the Center for International Relations. Application periode 15 September – 10 October.

Ales Consulting International is offering paid internship opportunities on Canary Islands.


Redeem Nordics is looking for a Sales Executive. Deadline for applying September 30.

Mercans Estonia OÜ is looking for a Backend Developer.


The Directorate General Communications of the European Central Bank is seeking applications from recent graduates, or students who are close to completing their studies, to participate in a Swedish Translator Traineeship in the Language Services Division for a period of three months. Closing Date for Applications September 13.

Study Estonia is looking for an international student, who could assist the marketing team with inquiries (part-time position/internship). Information is available at Archimedes Foundation`s website. Deadline for applying September 17.

Hotel Manager Europe offer the Paid Hotel Internships in Spain (Barcelona, Ibiza , Malaga, Canary Islands). Start: March / April 2018.

Ales Consulting International offers an excellent selection of paid internship positions in Sri Lanka.

There are looking for students that would be working in company as Erasmus students in the field of personal development and personal growth.


Playtech’s System QA Team is looking for a Senior Test Engineer.


Y Entertainment Ltd. is proposal for an internship position of Marketing Executive based in Mayfair, London.

New Erasmus+ traineeship vacancies in Slovakia.

The internships available throughout the year for different periods of time in Spain: Student Support Officer and Tourist Guide.

Ales Consulting International offers an excellent selection of paid internship positions in exclusive hotels on the sunny Seychelles.

The Center for Inter-American Studies of GRAZ UNIVERSITY offers an internship for a Project Management Assistant (Erasmus+ Internship if nominated through your university) from October 2017 to September 2018 (dates negotiable).

The European Central Bank is launching a new traineeship campaign in the Directorate General Statistics.


eAgronom – German speaking Customer Success Manager. Deadline to apply: 27.08. Apply here:

Click & Grow is looking for a talented & analytical Email & Content marketing manager,  a Social Media Manager and a Customer Support Specialist (Tartu).

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