
Välisõppe võimalused / Study abroad offers

Semester või õppeaasta väliskõrgkoolis on muutunud ülikooliõpingute tavapäraseks osaks – igal aastal kasutab suur hulk tudengeid võimalust õppida vahetusüliõpilasena välismaal.
Haara kinni võimalusest muuta oma maailma mitmekesisemaks õppides väliskõrgkoolis!
Vaata võimalusi ja kandideerimistähtaegu!

30.11.2020 Erasmus+ praktikastipendium Euroopasse


Virtuaalne õpirände infotund

Osale virtuaalses õpirände infotunnis 24. novembril kell 15.00 Microsoft Teams`is. Räägime erinevatest üliõpilasvahetuse võimalustest TÜ tudengitele.
Registreeri siin!


Summer School for Cultural Anthropology and Humanities “Off The Beaten Track”

Summer School for Cultural Anthropology and Humanities “Off The Beaten Track” is offering scholarship to join the Summer School programs for budding researchers with creative and open minds towards the challenges of applied research, deadline January 5, 2021.

30.11.2020 Erasmus+ praktikastipendium Euroopasse
Tasuline rahvusvahelise suvekooli pakkumine (Austria, Viin): the univie: summer school – European and International Studies 2021


Virtuaalne õpirände infotund

Osale virtuaalses õpirände infotunnis 24. novembril kell 15.00 Microsoft Teams`is. Räägime erinevatest üliõpilasvahetuse võimalustest TÜ tudengitele.
Registreeri siin!

15.11.2020 Dora Pluss doktorantide õpirände (1-10 kuud) stipendium
30.11.2020 Erasmus+ praktikastipendium Euroopasse


Virtuaalne õpirände infotund

Infotund toimub 24. novembril kell 15.00–16.30.
Toimumiskoht: Microsoft Teams
Registreeri kohe!

A semester or year spent abroad, as an exchange student, is gradually becoming a common part of university studies. A growing number of students are using study abroad opportunities to expand their experiences and knowledge. Seize the opportunity and make your studies international!
Please see the competition information and application deadlines.

30.11.2020 Erasmus+ traineeship grant to Europe


Virtual Study Abroad Session

We will talk about different study abroad opportunities for UT students.
The event takes place on November 25 at 15.00–16.30 on Microsoft Teams.
Register now!


Summer School for Cultural Anthropology and Humanities “Off The Beaten Track”

Summer School for Cultural Anthropology and Humanities “Off The Beaten Track” is offering scholarship to join the Summer School programs for budding researchers with creative and open minds towards the challenges of applied research, deadline January 5, 2021.

30.11.2020 Erasmus+ traineeship grant to Europe
The Sommerhochschule of the University of Vienna (the programmes are fee-based): the univie: summer school – European and International Studies 2021


Virtual Study Abroad Session

We will talk about different study abroad opportunities for UT students.
The event takes place on November 25 at 15.00–16.30 on Microsoft Teams.
Register now!

15.11.2020 Dora Plus doctoral students mobility (1-10 months)
30.11.2020 Erasmus+ traineeship grant to Europe


Virtual Study Abroad Session

The event takes place on November 25 at 15.00–16.30
Event Address: Microsoft Teams
Register now!

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