
Välisõppe võimalused / Study abroad offers

Semester või õppeaasta väliskõrgkoolis on muutunud ülikooliõpingute tavapäraseks osaks – igal aastal kasutab suur hulk tudengeid võimalust õppida vahetusüliõpilasena välismaal.
Haara kinni võimalusest muuta oma maailma mitmekesisemaks õppides väliskõrgkoolis!
Vaata võimalusi ja kandideerimistähtaegu!

15.08.2020 Dora Pluss doktorantide õpirände (1-10 kuud) stipendium

Università del Molise opens the selections for five PhD programmes. Applications are open until 20 August 2020, 12.00pm (CEST). All the details, including the Official Call and its English translation, are available here.

Tähtaeg Konkurss

Tasuline rahvusvahelise suvekooli pakkumine: The Greek Language Distance Learning He.La.S Summer Program 2020
Tasuline rahvusvahelise suvekooli pakkumine: Online Summer University at HSE (Venemaa)

Tähtaeg Konkurss

Tähtaeg Konkurss

Tähtaeg Konkurss

Tähtaeg Konkurss

Tasuline rahvusvahelise suvekooli pakkumine: Delightful Istanbul 2020 Summer School

A semester or year spent abroad, as an exchange student, is gradually becoming a common part of university studies. A growing number of students are using study abroad opportunities to expand their experiences and knowledge. Seize the opportunity and make your studies international!
Please see the competition information and application deadlines.

15.08.2020 Dora Plus doctoral students mobility (1-10 months)

Università del Molise opens the selections for five PhD programmes. Applications are open until 20 August 2020, 12.00pm (CEST). All the details, including the Official Call and its English translation, are available here.

Olympia Summer Course 2020 (the programme is fee-based): The Butterfly Effect: Systemic Risks in the 21st Century

Online Summer School 2020 (the programmes are fee-based): Delightful Istanbul

Deadline Competition

He.La.S Summer Program 2020 (the programme is fee-based): The Greek Language Distance Learning Program
HSE Summer University (the programmes are fee-based): Online Summer University at HSE (Russia)

Deadline Competition

Summer School 2020 (the programmes are fee-based): Delightful Istanbul

Deadline Competition

The University of Pisa Summer School (the programmes are fee-based):
Summer School in Paris (the programmes are fee-based):

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