
Kasulik info / Useful information

Kasulik info

Iganädalane info üliõpilastelt üliõpilastele, viited toimuvatele sündmustele, põnevatele ettevõtmistele, mitmesugustele võimalustele.

17. juulil uuendas arvutiabi ülikooli keskse serveri sertifikaati

Seoses uuendusega peavad wifi-võrgu eduroam kasutajad võtma vastu uue sertifikaadi. Klientseadmed küsivad Wifisse ühendumisel kasutaja käest nõusolekut. Kui mõni seade vastavat teadet ei kuva ja ühenduse töö lakkab, tuleb eduroam profiil arvutis uuesti seadistada vastavalt arvutiabi juhenditele:
Küsimuste korral võtke ühendust Tartu Ülikooli arvutiabiga aadressil või helistades telefonil 737 5500.

Miljon põhjust liituda maailma suurima satelliitnavigatsiooni rakenduste ideekonkursiga ESNC

Euroopa satelliitnavigatsioonisüsteemi rakenduste ideekonkurss (ESNC), mille auhinnafond on üle 1 miljoni euro, ootab taas eestlaste lennukaid äriideid. Ideekonkurssi Eesti eestvedajateks on Tartu Teaduspark ja Tallinna Teaduspark Tehnopol, kes juba kolmandat korda panevad  Eesti võitjale välja rahalise auhinna – 5000.- EUR, oma toote või teenuse arendamiseks ja turu testimiseks, vaata teisi auhindu ESNC Estonia veebilehel.

NARVA – DETROIT: Postindustriaalsed piirilinnad – kuhu edasi?

24. ja 25. augustil toimub Narvas rahvusvaheline linnaruumi labor Narva Urban Lab. Labor tõstatab kriitilisi linnaruumi arenguid puudutavaid küsimusi, et uurida ja katsetada elukeskkonda toetavaid lahendusi.

Tech Day 2018

Üliõpilased on oodatud 13. septembril Tallinnas toimuvale Eesti suurimale tehnoloogiakonverentsile –Tech Day, kus koos parimad ideed, asjatundjad ja lahendused. Enam infot sündmusest Facebookist.
Tudengitele on korraldajad loonud eraldi piletitüübi „Student“, mis annab soodustust 50 eurot tavapileti hinnast. Pileteid saab soetada lehel.

Erasmus questionnaire

Erasmus people! Please fill out this questionnaire about your Erasmus experience. Tag everyone you know that has done Erasmus. After completion of the survey you will be given the opportunity to enter into a prize draw (2 nights at a 5 star hotel in Portugal).

Postimehe pakkumine tudengitele ja lõpetajatele

Hea tudeng ja ülikooli lõpetaja! Postimees üllatab Sind hea pakkumisega – telli Postimees väga headel tingimustel – saad lugeda lehte üks kuu tasuta ja kolm kuud vaid 29 euro eest! Lisaks paberlehe lugemisele saad piiramatu ligipääsu Minu Meedia digipaketile – Postimehe ja maakonnalehtede tasulistele artiklitele ning Kanal 2 VeebiTV tasulisele sisule nii veebis, mobiilis kui tahvlis.
Kasuta võimalust, tellimislehele pääsed aadressilt Tellimust saad vormistada kuni 31.07.2018.

21. juunil tähistatakse rahvusvahelist joogapäeva

21. juunil kell 16.30–18.00 tähistatakse A.Le Coq spordimajas (Ihaste tee 7, Tartu) ja Kalevi spordihallis (Juhkentali 12, Tallinn) ÜRO poolt tunnustatud ja ellu kutsutud rahvusvahelist joogapäeva. Kogenud õpetajate juhendamisel praktiseeritakse joogaharjutusi (asanad), hingamistehnikaid (pranayamad) ja mediteeritakse ühiselt. Üritus on tasuta – kaasa võtta joogamatt! Vaata sündmust Facebookist.

Tartu Ülikooli suveülikool on meeldiv võimalus ühendada puhkus enesetäiendamisega. Tule 19. korda toimuvasse suveülikooli ja muuda oma suvi tegusaks! Õppida saab enam kui 30 täiendusõppekursusel Tartus, Tallinnas, Viljandis, Narvas, Pärnus ja Läänemaal.

Sooduspiletid Mari Kalkuni „Ilmamõtsan“ vinüüli esitluskontserdile ERMi viinaköögis

Tartu Ülikooli tudengid saavad osaleda Mari Kalkuni „Ilmamõtsan“ vinüüli esitluskontserdil 15. juunil kell 19 Eesti Rahva Muuseumi viinaköögis (Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu), soodushinnaga 8 € tk koodi „saladus“ alusel. Piletit on koodi alusel võimalik soetada Piletilevist. Pileti tavahind 12-14 €.

Bakalaureusetööde konkurss “Kaaren” kutsub tudengeid osalema!

Akadeemilisi üliõpilasseltse ühendav MTÜ Kaaren kuulutab taas välja bakalaureusetööde konkursi, kus võivad osaleda kõik Eestis rakenduskõrgharidust või bakalaureuseõpet lõpetavad tudengid.
Võistluse eesmärgiks on süvendada üliõpilaste uurimishuvi ja soovi oma teadustulemusi populaarteaduslikult ja eesti keeles tutvustada.
Konkursitööde esitamise tähtajaks on 30. juuni 2018.
Lähem info kodulehel

Viimased pääsmed Maailmamuutjate kooli

Aktiivsetele tudengitele suunatud programmiga silma paistev Maailmamuutjate kool toob sel nädalal Tartusse kokku nimekad välisesinejad ning tänased ja homsed tulevikukujundajad eri valdkondadest.
Jäänud on veel viimased vabad kohad! Tudengipilet 49 eurot, tavapilet 69 eurot.
Täpsem kava ja registreerimine

Soeta endale Tartu Ülikooli sõrmus ja tekkel

Kevadised lõpetamised on lähenemas ning seega ka võimalus soetada endale Tartu Ülikooli sõrmus ja tekkel! Sõrmuseid on võimalik tellida nii kullast kui hõbedast. Sõrmused valmistakse tellimuse põhjal ning tellimuse täitmise aeg on vähemalt kuu aega. Ära jäta tellimist viimasele hetkele!

NARVA – DETROIT: Postindustriaalsed piirilinnad – kuhu edasi?

24. ja 25. augustil toimub Narvas rahvusvaheline linnaruumi labor Narva Urban Lab. Labor tõstatab kriitilisi linnaruumi arenguid puudutavaid küsimusi, et uurida ja katsetada elukeskkonda toetavaid lahendusi.

Pane näpud mulda ja hääleta!

Alates tänasest saab valida tudengeid instituutide üliõpilaskogudesse. Kandideerimine lõppes 11. mail ja hääletamine toimub 21. maist kuni 1. juunini ÕISi vahendusel. Valimiste tulemused kuulutame välja 4. juunil. Täiendavat teavet kandidaatide kohta leiate siit.  

Soeta endale Tartu Ülikooli sõrmus ja tekkel

Kevadised lõpetamised on lähenemas ning seega ka võimalus soetada endale Tartu Ülikooli sõrmus ja tekkel! Sõrmuseid on võimalik tellida nii kullast kui hõbedast. Sõrmused valmistakse tellimuse põhjal ning tellimuse täitmise aeg on vähemalt kuu aega. Ära jäta tellimist viimasele hetkele!

Craft Camp 2018 käsitöölaager

Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia rahvusliku käsitöö osakond korraldab 8. –14. juulil rahvusvahelise käsitöölaagri Olustveres. Täpsem info käsitöölaagrist Facebookis. Registreerumise viimane tähtaeg laagrisse 24. juuni.

Enter the Blog Contest and win a 3-week training in EU communications in Brussels!

Write and publish a blog post about any EU-funded project.
The three winners will be invited to join a 3-week tailor-made full immersion training programme on EU communications. They will experience the work of a communication department in an EU institution, in a communication agency and in a media outlet covering the Brussels sphere.
Should you be interested to participate, please check webpage and join!

Pane näpud mulda ja hääleta!

Alates tänasest saab valida tudengeid instituutide üliõpilaskogudesse. Kandideerimine lõppes 11. mail ja hääletamine toimub 21. maist kuni 1. juunini ÕISi vahendusel. Valimiste tulemused kuulutame välja 4. juunil. Täiendavat teavet kandidaatide kohta leiate siit.  

Soeta endale Tartu Ülikooli sõrmus ja tekkel

Kevadised lõpetamised on lähenemas ning seega ka võimalus soetada endale Tartu Ülikooli sõrmus ja tekkel! Sõrmuseid on võimalik tellida nii kullast kui hõbedast. Sõrmused valmistakse tellimuse põhjal ning tellimuse täitmise aeg on vähemalt kuu aega. Ära jäta tellimist viimasele hetkele!

Tartu Üliõpilasteatri uus lavastus „Sherlcok Holmes: igavesed pärlid“

Tartu Ülikooli tudengite lavastus „Sherlock Holmes: Igavesed pärlid“ ootab pealtvaatajaid. Reedel, 25. mail etendavad üliõpilased etendust kell 19 ning laupäeval, 26. mail 19 Tartu Üliõpilasmajas. Etendus toimub ka 22. mail Tallinnas Kanuti aias. Piletid: 7 € / 9 € Piletilevist ja pool tundi enne etendust kohapealt. Lavastusest enam infot leiab SIIT.

ActInSpace 2018 Tartu, on rahvusvaheline innovatsioonivõistlus, mis toimub juba 5 päeva pärast!

 Kolm põhjust miks tasub osaleda:
1. Lood tulevikuks kasulikke kontakte.
2. Arendad välja vähemalt ühe potentsiaalse toote/teenuse, millele oma äri rajada.
3. See on õppimiskogemus, kus piiratud aja tingimustes paned proovile oma loovuse, meeskonnatöö oskuse ja oma teadmised. Saad paljude uute kogemuste võrra rikkamaks!
Selleks, et teaksime Sinuga arvestada (loe: piisavalt süüa ja juua varuda) registreeri end järgneval lingil osalejaks: Rohkem info sündmusest leiad siit.

Scaling Coaching Session with Jurgen Ingels, Founder of

 May 23, 2018 at 14:15 at sTARTUp HUB (Raekoja 16 plats, Tartu).More info from webpage.

Astrobiology Joint meeting of the University of Tartu and Stockholm University

Joint meeting of the University of Tartu and Stockholm University Biokeskus, Riia 26b, Tartu 23th – 25th May 2018. This event will cover many parts of the new field of astrobiology with a focus on subjects of mutual interest of the universities of Tartu and Stockholm. Covered topics include biosignatures, search for life at other terrestrial planets, remote sensing of planets with satellites, impacts and missions to investigate other planets and their satellites. There is no registration fee to attend the event. More info from Facebook.

Enter the Blog Contest and win a 3-week training in EU communications in Brussels!

Write and publish a blog post about any EU-funded project.
The three winners will be invited to join a 3-week tailor-made full immersion training programme on EU communications. They will experience the work of a communication department in an EU institution, in a communication agency and in a media outlet covering the Brussels sphere.
Should you be interested to participate, please check webpage and join!

Tartu Üliõpilasteatri uus lavastus „Sherlcok Holmes: igavesed pärlid“

Tartu Ülikooli tudengite lavastus „Sherlock Holmes: Igavesed pärlid“ ootab pealtvaatajaid. Reedel, 25. mail etendavad üliõpilased etendust kell 19 ning laupäeval, 26. mail 19 Tartu Üliõpilasmajas. Etendus toimub ka 22. mail Tallinnas Kanuti aias. Piletid: 7 € / 9 € Piletilevist ja pool tundi enne etendust kohapealt. Lavastusest enam infot leiab SIIT.

Pane näpud mulda ja anna hääl oma instituudi järgmisele üliõpilasesindajale!

Kandideerimine IÜKidesse ehk instituutide üliõpilaskogudesse on lõppenud. Kõik kandidaadid avalikustame 15. mail TÜÜE kodulehel ja juba alates 21. maist toimub hääletus ÕISis. Valimiste tulemused kuulutame välja 4. juunil. Rohkem infot valimiste kohta leiad veebilehelt.

15×4 Tartu: Algorithms, Behavior Analysis, Poetry, Creativity

 May 16, 2018 at 19:00 at AHHAA (Sadama 1, Tartu).
Come and listen to 4 amazing talks on different scientific topics. More info from Facebook event.
15×4 Tartu is always looking for speakers and volunteers for next events, so if you are interested in joining the 15×4 team, fill in this form

 Scaling Coaching Session with Jurgen Ingels, Founder of

 May 23, 2018 at 14:15 at sTARTUp HUB (Raekoja 16 plats, Tartu).More info from webpage.

Astrobiology Joint meeting of the University of Tartu and Stockholm University

Joint meeting of the University of Tartu and Stockholm University Biokeskus, Riia 26b, Tartu 23th – 25th May 2018. This event will cover many parts of the new field of astrobiology with a focus on subjects of mutual interest of the universities of Tartu and Stockholm. Covered topics include biosignatures, search for life at other terrestrial planets, remote sensing of planets with satellites, impacts and missions to investigate other planets and their satellites. There is no registration fee to attend the event. More info from Facebook.

Summer school / workshop “Microsatellites in planetary and atmospheric research” Tartu, Estonia, 6 – 11 August 2018

The event is aimed for students and early career scientists and open to applicants from all nationalities. Detailed information about the summer school and the application procedure (deadline 31 May 2018) can be found at the website:

3rd ASEF Young Leaders Summit on “Ethical Leadership”, 15-19 Oct 2018, Brussels

ASEFYLS3 is a dynamic theory, practice and action oriented project that invites about 150 youth representatives between 18-30 years (students, entrepreneurs and young professionals across both regions) with the objective to empower socially and environmentally responsible young leaders. The deadline for applications is on Sunday, 20 May 2018. More information can be found here.    

Tee oma tööelu ise huvitavaks. Tule Hilton Tallinn Park Hotelli karjääripäevale!

Hilton Tallinn Park Hotellil on hea meel kutsuda teid avatud uste päevale! 17. mail algusega kell 14 ootame kõiki hotellindusest huvitatud inimesi tutvuma meie maja, töövõimaluste ning kultuuriga. Näha ja kuulda saab kõige osakonde tööd – vastuvõtt, restoran, puhastusteenindus, köök, hooldus, müük, konverentsid, personal ja finants.  Kõik on kohal ja valmis tutvustama oma tegemisi, kogemusi ja ja jagama lugusid!  Selleks, et saaksime päeva paremini planeerida, palume sul ennast registreerida: Registreerida võib nii üksikisikuna kui ka grupina. Tule ja veedame koos ühe mõnusa pärastlõuna!

Kandideerimise periood instituutide üliõpilaskogudesse on pikendatud. Pane näpud mulda ja kandideeri juba täna!

Kandideeri IÜKi ehk oma instituudi esinduskogusse. Kandideerimine kestab kuni 11. maini. 15. mail avalikustame kõik kandidaadid ja juba vahemikus 21. mai–1. juuni toimub hääletus ÕISis. Valimiste tulemused kuulutame välja 4. juunil. Kandideerimiseks tuleb täita kandideerimisvorm ja edastada meile allkirjastatud avaldus. Avalduse näidis on toodud kandideerimisvormi ülaosas. Rohkem infot veebilehelt.

Soeta endale Tartu Ülikooli sõrmus ja tekkel

Kevadised lõpetamised on lähenemas ning seega ka võimalus soetada endale Tartu Ülikooli sõrmus ja tekkel! Sõrmuseid on võimalik tellida nii kullast kui hõbedast. Sõrmused valmistakse tellimuse põhjal ning tellimuse täitmise aeg on vähemalt kuu aega. Ära jäta tellimist viimasele hetkele!

Coaching’u / kootsingu võimalusi tutvustav seminar

Rahvusvahelise kootsingunädala (7.–13. mai) raames toimub 8. mail kell 11–12.30 tasuta seminar „Coaching – müüdid ja tegelikkus“ (Lossi 36–103, Tartu), kus otsitakse vastust küsimustele: Mida kujutab endast coaching? Millist kasu võin saada koostööst arengupartneriga? Päevakava ja registreerumine siit.

Peeter Lauritsa eelviimane loeng ja kursusetööde näituse avamine

10. mail kell 18.15 peab vabade kunstide professor Peeter Laurits Tartu Ülikooli peahoones (Ülikooli 18-140) eelviimase loengu „Postmodernismist, posthumanismist ja loomade tehtud kunstist“ loengusarja „Metsik esteetika ehk kuidas kirjeldada metsa digitaalsetele jänestele” raames. Loengule eelneb kell 17 Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu konverentsisaalide fuajees (W. Struve 1, Tartu) koos kursuse üliõpilastega näituse “Riburada > Semantilised vainoköied” avamine.

Kaareni õpituba avalikust esinemisest

Kaaren, nutikas lind, ulatab bakalaureusetöö kaitsjatele abikäe ja korraldab avaliku esinemise õpitoa, mis on fokusseeritud akadeemilise töö kaitsmisele. Õpituba algab 26. mail kell 12 aadressil Lossi 36-214 ja kestab umbes neli tundi. Registreeruda saab siin.

E-õppe ajakirjas e-TÜ räägitakse õppimise toetamisest

Tartu Ülikooli e-õppe ajakirja e-TÜ värskes numbris saab lugeda e-õppe kasutamise kogemustest ja võimalustest, Moodle’is õppimise toetamisest, veebinaride ning videote kasutamisest õppetöös, õppejõu portfooliost.

Maailmamuutjate kool tuleb taas!

Maailmamuutjate kool on kohtumispaik inimestele, kes püüavad Eestit ja maailma mingil viisil paremaks teha. Konverents toimub 8. –10. juunil Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkoolis. Kolm põnevat päeva keskenduvad tuleviku disainimisele ja muutuste juhtija teekonnale: iseenda arendamisele, maailma mõtestamisele ning maailma muutmisele. Soodushind kuni 20. mai: tudengipilet 39 €. Alates 21. mai tudengipilet 49 €. Täpsem info ja registreerimine

1st Oxford-style Tartu debate: new EU sanctions against Russia?

 May 10, 2018 at 18:00 at RM 305, Lossi 36, Tartu
The debate starts with an introduction on this topic by our Chapter’s academic adviser Dr. Stefano Braghiroli, followed by a welcoming speech by Iverson Ng, the president of this Chapter, then the debate begins. The “Oxford-style” element lies in the audience who decide the outcome of the debate. By the end of it, they will change their seats to show their positions – one side will be marked as “Ayes” while another one as “Noes”. The announcement of the result will take place after the debate.
More info from Facebook event.
You will find the registration form HERE.

Astrobiology Joint meeting of the University of Tartu and Stockholm University

Joint meeting of the University of Tartu and Stockholm University Biokeskus, Riia 26b, Tartu 23th – 25th May 2018. This event will cover many parts of the new field of astrobiology with a focus on subjects of mutual interest of the universities of Tartu and Stockholm. Covered topics include biosignatures, search for life at other terrestrial planets, remote sensing of planets with satellites, impacts and missions to investigate other planets and their satellites. There is no registration fee to attend the event. More info from Facebook.

Summer school / workshop “Microsatellites in planetary and atmospheric research” Tartu, Estonia, 6 – 11 August 2018

The event is aimed for students and early career scientists and open to applicants from all nationalities. Detailed information about the summer school and the application procedure (deadline 31 May 2018) can be found at the website:

3rd ASEF Young Leaders Summit on “Ethical Leadership”, 15-19 Oct 2018, Brussels

ASEFYLS3 is a dynamic theory, practice and action oriented project that invites about 150 youth representatives between 18-30 years (students, entrepreneurs and young professionals across both regions) with the objective to empower socially and environmentally responsible young leaders. The deadline for applications is on Sunday, 20 May 2018. More information can be found here.    


Tartu Tudengipäevad: kevad 2018

Festival toimub 28. aprillist 5. maini. Kogu programmiga tutvu SIIN.

Tartu Ülikooli rektorikandidaadid ETV väitlussaates „Foorum“

24. aprillil kohtuvad Tartu Ülikooli rektoriks kandideerivad professor Toomas Asser ja professor Margit Sutrop ETV väitlussaates „Foorum“. Seekordne saade läheb otse-eetrisse Tartu Ülikooli peahoone aulast.

Peeter Lauritsa loengus otsitakse loovuse lätet

25. aprillil kell 16.15 peab vabade kunstide professor Peeter Laurits Tartu Ülikooli peahoones (Ülikooli 18-140) loengu „Labürindid ja mandalad“ loengusarja „Metsik esteetika ehk kuidas kirjeldada metsa digitaalsetele jänestele” raames. Loengust otsitakse mh üheskoos professoriga loovuse lätet.

Pane näpud mulda – kandideeri oma instituudi üliõpilaskogusse

Kandideeri IÜKi ehk oma instituudi esinduskogusse. Kandideerimine kestab kuni 4. maini. 8. mail avalikustame kõik kandidaadid ja juba vahemikus 14.–25. mai toimub hääletus ÕISis. Valimiste tulemused kuulutame välja 28. mail. Kandideerimiseks tuleb täita kandideerimisvorm ja edastada meile allkirjastatud avaldus. Avalduse näidis on toodud kandideerimisvormi ülaosas. Rohkem infot veebilehelt.

Bioinnovation Days hackathon

Bioinnovation Days hackathon toimub 27. – 28. aprillil 2018, SPARK-is, Narva mnt. 3, Tartu, Eesti. Rohkem informatsiooni ja registreerimine kodulehel

Videomängufestival PlayFair 2018

27. – 28. aprillil toimub Tallinna Lauluväljakul Eesti suurim tehnoloogia- ja videomängumess PlayFair 2018. Kahe päeva vältel mahub lauluväljaku katuse alla nii tehnoloogiamess, võrgupidu kui ka kuhjaga harivat ja meelelahutuslikku programmi. Rohkem infot üritusest leiab kodulehelt.

Tule SELL mängudele appi vabatahtlikuks!

SELL mängud tulevad taas ja võimsamana kui kunagi varem. 18.–20. maiks seavad sammud Tartusse Baltikumi ja Soome üliõpilased, et võtta mõõtu kõikvõimalikel spordialadel, mille hulka kuuluvad erinevad pallimängud, kergejõustik ning võistlustelt ei puudu isegi male. Saa osa mängudest ning registreeri ennast vabatahtlikuks! Suvehõngulisel nädalavahetusel toimub nii mõndagi ägedat ning lisaks kolmele menukale päevale ootavad sind uued sõbrad ja kaaslased kogu eluks. Registreeri ennast kohe, sest kohti jätkub vaid kiirematele! Registreerimisankeed leiad SIIT. Rohkem infot leiad veebilehelt.

Ansambel MANDOTRIO kutsub kontserdile

Täna, esmaspäeval, 23. aprillil astub Genialistide klubis üles oma debüütplaadiga Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemiast välja sirgunud MANDOTRIO. Neid soojendab nende õpetaja ja mentor VILLU TALSI ansamblist CURLY STRINGS. Pilet: 5 € / 3 € (õpilane, üliõpilane, pensionär), müügil kohapeal. Algus kell 20:00. Rohkem infot siin.

Discussion Time: Boxing For Life 

Join the ISA as we watch on 29 April “Boxing for Freedom”, a Spanish movie about Sadaf Rahimi, the best female boxer from Afghanistan. More info from Facebook event.

Pane näpud mulda – kandideeri oma instituudi üliõpilaskogusse

Kandideeri IÜKi ehk oma instituudi esinduskogusse. Kandideerimine kestab kuni 4. maini. 8. mail avalikustame kõik kandidaadid ja juba vahemikus 14.–25. mai toimub hääletus ÕISis. Valimiste tulemused kuulutame välja 28. mail. Kandideerimiseks tuleb täita kandideerimisvorm ja edastada meile allkirjastatud avaldus. Avalduse näidis on toodud kandideerimisvormi ülaosas. Rohkem infot veebilehelt.

Registreeru publikuks: rektorikandidaatide debatt ETV saates „Foorum“

24. aprillil kohtuvad Tartu Ülikooli rektoriks kandideerivad professor Toomas Asser ja professor Margit Sutrop ETV väitlussaates „Foorum”“. Seekordne saade läheb otse-eetrisse Tartu Ülikooli peahoone aulast. Saatele on pealtvaatajaiks oodatud ülikooli üliõpilased.
Kui soovite debatile kaasa elada ja näha, kuidas valmib üks otse-eetrisse minev telesaade, registreerige end pealtvaatajaks. Registreerimine on avatud 22. aprillini. Erandkorras on seekordses „Foorumis“ pealtvaatajail võimalik esitada saatekülalistele ka küsimusi.
Publik peab aulas kohal olema kell 19.30, saade algab kell 20.

DAAD kevadüritus TTÜ tudengimajas

DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) kutsub kõiki 16. aprillil kell 15.30 Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli tudengimajja (Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn) kevadüritusele, millega tähistatakse nii kevade algust kui ka Eesti ja Saksamaa vahelist teadusalast koostööd!
Kuulata saab Saksamaal õppinud ning teadustööd teinud vilistlaste muljeid ja põnevaid kogemusi. Samuti saab täpsemat infot, kuidas ise Saksamaale ülikooliõpinguid jätkama või teadusalast koostööd tegema minna ning kontakte leida. Rohkem infot Saksa Kevade kodulehelt.

Useful information

Useful information about different events, workshops, lectures etc.

European Satellite Navigation Competition

The key to success lies in your hands: Join the @EuropeanSatelliteNavigationCompetition & kick-start your business with cash prizes, intensive business coaching, technical support & networking at the European Space Week 2018 in Marseille in Dec! Enter your idea now at, benefit from 1 Mio € prizes and enter the world’s largest business network.

Erasmus questionnaire

Erasmus people! Please fill out this questionnaire about your Erasmus experience. Tag everyone you know that has done Erasmus. After completion of the survey you will be given the opportunity to enter into a prize draw (2 nights at a 5 star hotel in Portugal).

NARVA – DETROIT: Postindustrial Cities on the Border – Where to?

On the 24th and 25th of August an international urban laboratory will take place: Narva Urban Lab. The laboratory will critically assess questions regarding transforming city scapes to envision and experiment with new solutions regarding their further development.

Everybody is welcome to be part of official welcoming Baltic Student Festival Gaudeamus

On the invitation of the President of the Republic of Estonia the Presidents of Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland, Georgia and Iceland are visiting Tartu on the occasion of opening of the Baltic Student Festival Gaudeamus.
June 22, 2018 at 15.20 the official welcoming by the Acting Rector of the University of Tartu Professor Tõnu Lehtsaar is taking place at the Main Building in the Assembly Hall. Everybody is welcome to be part of the festive occasion.
Heads of State sign the Book of Honor.

International Day of Yoga

In the last two years International Day of Yoga is being celebrated in June, following recognition by United Nations of 21 June as International Yoga Day.
On this day, practitioners of Yoga and those who are keen to practise or learn Yoga join together in a programme in which a trained Yoga instructor will take you through basic Yoga exercises (asanas), breathing exercise (Pranayam) and meditation.
The event is free. You only need to bring your Yoga mat.
In Tallinn and Tartu we are celebrating this event on Thursday, 21 June, 2018 at 16.30–18.00. More info from Facebook event.

NARVA – DETROIT: Postindustrial Cities on the Border – Where to?

On the 24th and 25th of August an international urban laboratory will take place: Narva Urban Lab. The laboratory will critically assess questions regarding transforming city scapes to envision and experiment with new solutions regarding their further development.

Craft Camp Estonia 2018

 The Craft Camp will take place 8 – 14 July 2018 in Olustvere, Viljandi county. The information about new workshops has been updated, the registration is open.

Enter the Blog Contest and win a 3-week training in EU communications in Brussels!

Write and publish a blog post about any EU-funded project.
The three winners will be invited to join a 3-week tailor-made full immersion training programme on EU communications. They will experience the work of a communication department in an EU institution, in a communication agency and in a media outlet covering the Brussels sphere.
Should you be interested to participate, please check webpage and join!

Springtime graduations are approaching and therefore also the time to acquire a personal University of Tartu ring and college cap! Rings are available either made of gold or silver and with optional inner engraving. The rings are produced upon demand within 5 weeks from placing the order (to so be sure send your request to in a timely manner!

Scaling Coaching Session with Jurgen Ingels, Founder of

 May 23, 2018 at 14:15 at sTARTUp HUB (Raekoja 16 plats, Tartu).More info from webpage.

Astrobiology Joint meeting of the University of Tartu and Stockholm University

Joint meeting of the University of Tartu and Stockholm University Biokeskus, Riia 26b, Tartu 23th – 25th May 2018. This event will cover many parts of the new field of astrobiology with a focus on subjects of mutual interest of the universities of Tartu and Stockholm. Covered topics include biosignatures, search for life at other terrestrial planets, remote sensing of planets with satellites, impacts and missions to investigate other planets and their satellites. There is no registration fee to attend the event. More info from Facebook.

5 days to go until international innovation competition ActInSpace

 3 reasons to join:
1. It is a learning experience of a lifetime – limited time to boost your creativity, build a team and using all your skills to create something new.
2. You will build one new service or product to build your business on.
3. Meet cool people and build your network.
Please register @ so we can make sure we have enough food and drinks ready! Read

Enter the Blog Contest and win a 3-week training in EU communications in Brussels!

Write and publish a blog post about any EU-funded project.
The three winners will be invited to join a 3-week tailor-made full immersion training programme on EU communications. They will experience the work of a communication department in an EU institution, in a communication agency and in a media outlet covering the Brussels sphere.
Should you be interested to participate, please check webpage and join!

15×4 Tartu: Algorithms, Behavior Analysis, Poetry, Creativity

May 16, 2018 at 19:00 at AHHAA (Sadama 1, Tartu).
Come and listen to 4 amazing talks on different scientific topics. More info from Facebook event.
15×4 Tartu is always looking for speakers and volunteers for next events, so if you are interested in joining the 15×4 team, fill in this form

 Scaling Coaching Session with Jurgen Ingels, Founder of

 May 23, 2018 at 14:15 at sTARTUp HUB (Raekoja 16 plats, Tartu).More info from webpage.

Astrobiology Joint meeting of the University of Tartu and Stockholm University

Joint meeting of the University of Tartu and Stockholm University Biokeskus, Riia 26b, Tartu 23th – 25th May 2018. This event will cover many parts of the new field of astrobiology with a focus on subjects of mutual interest of the universities of Tartu and Stockholm. Covered topics include biosignatures, search for life at other terrestrial planets, remote sensing of planets with satellites, impacts and missions to investigate other planets and their satellites. There is no registration fee to attend the event. More info from Facebook.

Summer school / workshop “Microsatellites in planetary and atmospheric research” Tartu, Estonia, 6 – 11 August 2018

The event is aimed for students and early career scientists and open to applicants from all nationalities. Detailed information about the summer school and the application procedure (deadline 31 May 2018) can be found at the website:

3rd ASEF Young Leaders Summit on “Ethical Leadership”, 15-19 Oct 2018, Brussels

ASEFYLS3 is a dynamic theory, practice and action oriented project that invites about 150 youth representatives between 18-30 years (students, entrepreneurs and young professionals across both regions) with the objective to empower socially and environmentally responsible young leaders. The deadline for applications is on Sunday, 20 May 2018. More information can be found here.    

Springtime graduations are approaching and therefore also the time to acquire a personal University of Tartu ring and college cap! Rings are available either made of gold or silver and with optional inner engraving. The rings are produced upon demand within 5 weeks from placing the order (to so be sure send your request to in a timely manner!

1st Oxford-style Tartu debate: new EU sanctions against Russia?

 May 10, 2018 at 18:00 at RM 305, Lossi 36, Tartu
The debate starts with an introduction on this topic by our Chapter’s academic adviser Dr. Stefano Braghiroli, followed by a welcoming speech by Iverson Ng, the president of this Chapter, then the debate begins. The “Oxford-style” element lies in the audience who decide the outcome of the debate. By the end of it, they will change their seats to show their positions – one side will be marked as “Ayes” while another one as “Noes”. The announcement of the result will take place after the debate.
More info from Facebook event.
You will find the registration form HERE.

Astrobiology Joint meeting of the University of Tartu and Stockholm University

Joint meeting of the University of Tartu and Stockholm University Biokeskus, Riia 26b, Tartu 23th – 25th May 2018. This event will cover many parts of the new field of astrobiology with a focus on subjects of mutual interest of the universities of Tartu and Stockholm. Covered topics include biosignatures, search for life at other terrestrial planets, remote sensing of planets with satellites, impacts and missions to investigate other planets and their satellites. There is no registration fee to attend the event. More info from Facebook.

Summer school / workshop “Microsatellites in planetary and atmospheric research” Tartu, Estonia, 6 – 11 August 2018

The event is aimed for students and early career scientists and open to applicants from all nationalities. Detailed information about the summer school and the application procedure (deadline 31 May 2018) can be found at the website:

3rd ASEF Young Leaders Summit on “Ethical Leadership”, 15-19 Oct 2018, Brussels

ASEFYLS3 is a dynamic theory, practice and action oriented project that invites about 150 youth representatives between 18-30 years (students, entrepreneurs and young professionals across both regions) with the objective to empower socially and environmentally responsible young leaders. The deadline for applications is on Sunday, 20 May 2018. More information can be found here.    

28 April – 5 May Tartu Student Days: Spring 2018

BioInnovation Days 2018

BioInnovation Days 2018 on 27th-28th of April 2018 is an international hackathon devoted to finding innovative solutions in the fields of BIOeconomy, BIOtechnology and BIOmedicine. More information about the event available at webpage

Discussion Time: Boxing For Life

 Join the ISA as we watch on 29 April “Boxing for Freedom”, a Spanish movie about Sadaf Rahimi, the best female boxer from Afghanistan. More info from Facebook event.
The event is part of the Tartu Student Days

PlayFair 2018

In 2018 Estonian esports will return bigger, better and more exciting than ever. PlayFair 2018 will bring you Estonia’s biggest gaming and technology EXPO at Tallinn Song Festival Grounds from 27th to 28th of April. More info from webpage.

DAAD spring celebration

April 16, 2018 at 15:30 at Technical University Tallinn (Ehitajate tee 5, Tudengimaja).
You will have the opportunity to listen to interesting reports about study, research and scholarship opportunities in Germany, have the chance to speak with German alumni and talk about your experience in studying abroad.
Further information can be found on the website of German Spring in Tallinn.

15×4 Tartu: Bitcoin, Consciousness, PQ-cryptography, Sexuality

The new event15x4 “Tartu: Bitcoin, Consciousness, PQ-cryptography, Sexuality” will have place on Wednesday, 18th of April, in AHHAA (Sadama 1) at 7pm. We are welcome everyone to come and listen 4 amazing speakers and network with guests. More info from Facebook event.

Narva College holds its 18th International Student Research Conference

On April 19-21, 2018 Narva College of the University of Tartu opens its doors for international students who are coming to Estonia to participate in the International Student Research Conference. Link for a registration. The program of the conference and information are available at the conference website.

UT Idea Lab presents: Marketing and Sales

The workshop is held in English and free for everyone, but for reserving a seat and snacks please register on the IdeaLab’s webpage!

International Student Ambassadors (ISA) is organizing an alumni meeting

 You will have the opportunity to meet with four alumni of the university and ask them questions about their studies, their experience of finding work after their studies and any other question you may want to find the answer to.
Date: 21st of April, 4-7 p.m.
Location: Tartu Linnamuuseum
More info from Facebook event.

Share experience about your studies

Hey fellow students! Do you remember the time when you were applying for your studies? All the questions you had and the things you wanted to know but didn’t have anyone to ask? What if you can help future students make a better study choice by simply sharing your study experience? It only takes 2 minutes and gives you the opportunity to win the voucher of 15 euro! Click on the link below, answer our questions and make a difference! The lucky winner of our 3 vouchers will be announced on 20th May 2018.  Good luck to you all! Click to Win

Tartu Student Days: Spring 2018

Registration for the Student Days festival events has begun, register to participate in Flying Machine Contest, Boat Race and Hitman HERE! Support Tartu Student Days in Hooandja, link is HERE!

Students XIX Summer games are coming again

Students XIX Summer games are coming again and University of Tartu delegation is also on their way.
Don’t hesitate and sign up already today to get a cheaper ticket!
More information on our Facebook event.
Hurry up, because the number of tickets is limited!

Authorial Acting MA/BA Program in the Czech Republic

 2-year Master (MA) and 3-year Bachelor (BA) Authorial Acting English Program at the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (DAMU), the Czech Republic.
Deadline for the second round of applications is 14th May 2018. More info from webpage.

Student Conference in Maribor

Student Conference in Maribor (SCiM), which will take place from 2nd of July until 11th of July 2018 in Maribor, Slovenia. If you want to join SCiM, you have to fill out online application form. The applications are open until April 1st, midnight, 23:59 CET.

PhD Academy 16–19th April 2018 in Prague

The PhD Academy will allow participants to gain hands-on experience in developing interdisciplinary/intersectoral collaboration and in skills that are useful in their academic career and beyond.

Garage48 SpaceTech Riga Challenge hackathon

Welcome to Garage48 SpaceTech Riga Challenge hackathon, happening on May 11-13 in Riga Technical University Design Factory! Engineers, web developers, designers, marketing experts, data scientists and field experts – REGISTER HERE. More info from webpage.

The SAIL (Sustainability Applied in International Learning) Summer Conference

Call for students for the BUP SAIL Summer Conference for students, 4 -18 September 2018, Szczecin, Poland – Visby, Sweden – Stavanger, Norway. More information here! If you have any questions regarding SAIL do not hesitate to contact: Maria Hejna, Network Manager, SAIL project coordinator, e-mail:

Announcing the winners of the “My Adventure Abroad” photo/video competition

The winning entries of the University of Tartu’s “My Adventure Abroad” student photo/video contest have been selected.

Aadam Kaivo’s photo “Jääkuul” (“Ice Orb”), taken during the student’s time at North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, Russia in the 2014-15 academic year, has been recognized as the competition’s top winning entry.
The award for the public’s favorite photo goes to “Võta kraanist“ (“Drink from the Tap”), taken by Kristiina Kangro in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The jury also selected as honorable mentions Jari Matsi’s “Virmalised külmal talveööl“ (“Northern Lights on a Cold Winter Night”), Silvia Stangarone’s photo from Berlin, Elizaveta Lebedeva’s photo from the University of Mannheim, and Lillian Alice Laanepere’s “Ääretu silmaring“ (“A Boundless Horizon”).
In addition to the above photos, Liina Malva’s video taken during her time at Utrecht University was selected as a winning entry.
The first-place winner, Aadam Kaivo, will receive the opportunity to discover Estonia from the sky by participating in a sightseeing flight over Tartu. The other prizewinners will be awarded with University of Tartu and EV100 souvenirs. Each of the winners will be contacted in the coming days.
The goal of the “My Adventure Abroad” photo and video competition was to raise awareness of the many study and internship opportunities available to students. The University of Tartu offers students numerous opportunities to study and/or intern outside of Estonia. For more information, check our study abroad webpage.
“My Adventure Abroad” photo and video contest:

Public Perceptions of Nuclear Arms Proliferation: A contemporary View

Dear students,
My name is Evgenii, I am the International Relations Master’s student. I am currently working on my thesis on topic of global nuclear weapons proliferation. A part of my work is based on a survey, so I would greatly appreciate if you could allow few minutes of your time to answer my questions.
Please, follow this link to take my short survey: Your participation will surely bring a huge contribution to completing my research paper.
Thank you for your responses and for your time. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Student Conference in Maribor

Student Conference in Maribor (SCiM), which will take place from 2nd of July until 11th of July 2018 in Maribor, Slovenia. If you want to join SCiM, you have to fill out online application form. The applications are open until April 1st, midnight, 23:59 CET.

PhD Academy 16–19th April 2018 in Prague

The PhD Academy will allow participants to gain hands-on experience in developing interdisciplinary/intersectoral collaboration and in skills that are useful in their academic career and beyond.

Garage48 SpaceTech Riga Challenge hackathon

Welcome to Garage48 SpaceTech Riga Challenge hackathon, happening on May 11-13 in Riga Technical University Design Factory! Engineers, web developers, designers, marketing experts, data scientists and field experts – REGISTER HERE. More info from webpage.

The SAIL (Sustainability Applied in International Learning) Summer Conference

Call for students for the BUP SAIL Summer Conference for students, 4 -18 September 2018, Szczecin, Poland – Visby, Sweden – Stavanger, Norway. More information here! If you have any questions regarding SAIL do not hesitate to contact: Maria Hejna, Network Manager, SAIL project coordinator, e-mail:

Students XIX Summer games are coming again

Students XIX Summer games are coming again and University of Tartu delegation is also on their way.
Don’t hesitate and sign up already today to get a cheaper ticket!
More information on our Facebook event.
Hurry up, because the number of tickets is limited!

Choose your favorite photo or video from “My Adventure Abroad” contest

You have time until March 22 to choose your favorite photo or video from “My Adventure Abroad” contest of the University of Tartu students. Visit website

Idea Garage Cyber Security Tallinn Powered by UK

Idea Garage Cyber Security Tallinn Powered by UK takes place on 28 March at Tallinn. Starting time 9:00 AM. More information about the event can be found here. Facebook:

Students XIX Summer games are coming again

Students XIX Summer games are coming again and Tartu University’s delegation is also on their way.
Don’t hesitate and sign up already today to get a cheaper ticket!
More information on our Facebook event.
Hurry up, because the number of tickets is limited!

Opinion of foreign students about Estonia

My name is Anna Silem, I am Master student at Tallinn University. I would really appreciate if you could take a little time to answer questions below. Your answers would help to find out how you experience Estonia and hopefully give a good input into further decision and policy making. Your answers would stay completely confidential. Please find the questionnaire under this link:

Ukraine needs volunteers for the biggest education program GoCamp in summer 2018!

Join GoCamp – educational camps for Ukrainian youth, to increase communication between Ukraine and the rest of the world. You will give the new generation a chance to make a breakthrough!  Almost 500 volunteers from 53 countries already took part in GoCamp, including the Ambassadors of the Australia, UK, Canada, Poland, India, Belgium to Ukraine! GoCamp volunteers presented by Ukrainians from the USA, Canada, Great Britain, EU and other countries regularly participate in GoCamp project. Find more details here.

SELL games are coming again

For the weekend from 18 to 20 of May, students from Baltic countries and Finland are coming together to Tartu, to compete against each other on different kinds of sports.
Be part of the games and apply as a volunteer!
Apply right away because number of volunteers is limited.
You will find the registration form HERE.
More information from our website.

The Smart Logistics Challenge

The Smart Logistics Challenge invites students to submit a case on one of the three topics: e-commerce enablers, cobotics in logistics 4.0, logistics in a sharing economy.
The goal of the competition is to interact with young talent on the realities of the industry and the most important trends that will change logistics over the next years.
You can find more information here:

Latvijas Banka announces a Competition of Student Scientific Research Papers

This year, participation is open to students of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes.
The purpose of the Competition is promote the research and analysis of macroeconomic issues in Latvia, the Baltic States and the euro area and to facilitate the advancement of the scientific thinking of students.
Detailed requirements for the Competition papers, rules for participation and a full list of suggested topics are available in the Order.
The Competition papers shall be submitted to Latvijas Banka from 18 May to 1 June 2018 in both paper and electronic form.

Announcement: BUP Spring Students’ Conference, 28th May – 01st June 2018, in Großschönau /Zittau

Innovation for Sustainable Development: Resource and Energy Efficiency in Production and Transportation
The conference will take place from 28th May to 01st June 2018 in Großschönau /Zittau.
Fail bup_students_conference_application_form_2018.rtf

Language program Speakly is looking for international students as volunteers

The Integration Foundation is supporting innovative language learning programme Speakly, which was developed in Estonia to enable non-Estonian-speakers learn Estonian for free.
Due to the fact that there are many Estonian friends in the world and in Estonia who are interested in learning this beautiful language, we will organise a fun experiment where a group of foreign students will start studying Estonian with the help of Speakly and this progress will be covered via the local and international media, to inspire others start Estonian studies as well. In addition to that we invite one of the volunteers to participate in a live TV show “Terevisioon” next Wednesday – 14th of March – to start the experiment.
Therefore, if you would like to study Estonian and you would like to help us inspire more and more people discover this beautiful language, then send us an e-mail at to join this fun experiment!

AEGEE-Tartu is looking for new members

International student organisation AEGEE-Tartu welcomes all the students to an information evening on 8th March at 19.00. Facebook event:

EstLat-Accelerate Start Its Second Season

EstLat-Accelerate pre-acceleration program for Estonian and Latvian early-stage start-ups invites all new business owners to apply for its second season before March 11. Registration and more information on the EstLat-Accelerate website.

The first STARTER Basic workshop

The first STARTER Basic workshop encourages students to form teams and select the best ideas for turning into a business. In addition principles of team building are introduced. This workshop will be led by amazing Harald Lepisk who is the creator of,  international speaker, and trainer who loves to inspire people to dream and take action.
If you don’t have an idea – it is ok! Maybe there is an idea that is desperate for your knowledge! Or you have an idea and a team but you would like to move forward faster/get some feedback/develop your product?  IdeaLab is a perfect place for you! All our workshops and snacks are free of charge but please make sure to register before. More information here!

Call for lecturers 15×4 Tartu

15×4 Tartu has recently announced a call for speakers. We are looking for people who are willing to share their knowledge on the scientific topic they are master on. In order to become a speaker, you need to fill the google form:
For more information, you can check our group

Spend your summer at University of Tartu International Summer University 2018

Explore the selection of interdisciplinary and subject specific summer programmes in English or find a suitable Estonian language course.

Scholarship Fair

The International Student Ambassadors of the University of Tartu invite you to join them at the annual Scholarship Fair on Monday the 19th of February in the Main University building.

Estonian language course for beginners via internet (more information and registration by tapping a link)

Spend your summer at University of Tartu International Summer University 2018

Explore the selection of interdisciplinary and subject specific summer programmes in English or find a suitable Estonian language course.

Estonian language course for beginners via internet (more information and registration by tapping a link)

March, 5 – December 29, 2018
Fee 132 euros
The course is web-based. However, in addition to web-based work, students will have five face-to-face meetings with a tutor, either in a classroom, or through Skype.

Invitation to a Valentine’s Day flash mob at Townhall Square!

Student festival Gaudeamus is organizing a flashmob, that will take place on Townhall Square on Valentine’s Day at 12:00, themed by love. The flash mob is dedicated to Estonian 100th birthday. What’s happening? 14th of February at 11:45 they will invite the students to come to the Townhall Sq (nearby the Kissing student’s fountain) with a partner. If you’re interested, please register by 10th of February at 12:00, writing an e-mail to After the registration you’ll receive detailed instructions etc. Hurry, because only 100 pairs can participate 🙂

Tartu University Symphony Orchestra is looking for new players!

We would welcome students, lecturers, scientists and everybody else who has played an orchestra instrument and would like to continue or pick it up after a long break! This semester we are waiting for string and brass players and of course hope that another bassoon player has found their way to Tartu. More info about the orchestra at our website and on Facebook!
To join us fill the form! Before joining you can also check us out on Mondays at 19–21:30 at the UT assembly hall!

Spend your summer at University of Tartu International Summer University 2018

Explore the selection of interdisciplinary and subject specific summer programmes in English or find a suitable Estonian language course.

International student organisation AEGEE-Tartu welcomes all the students to an information evening on 5th March at 19.00. Facebook event:
More information:,,

Spend your summer at University of Tartu International Summer University 2018

Explore the selection of interdisciplinary and subject specific summer programmes in English or find a suitable Estonian language course.


Eastern Platform-Platform Ukraine is a multi-disciplinary initiative aiming to analyse and better understand the most recent development in the relations between the EU and Russia and their shared neighbourhood, starting from Ukrainian crisis of 2014, and the ensuing deterioration of relations between the West and Moscow by creating a unified resource and network of academics studying the post-socialist space.
For further details about the event visit

Creativity Flourishes in Spring. The Centre for Arts Invites International Students to Spring Courses.

This autumn the Centre for Arts opened its doors for all UT’s students. In spring semester the Centre offers 17 practical as well as theoretical courses in English or with double language of instruction in the fields of visual arts, music, multimedia, crafts/design and dance art. Registration is opened till 11th February or later if the course starts later and has free places. Short descriptions of all the courses are available on our website:

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