Hiking trip in South-Estonia (Meenikunno bog) and smoke sauna
Price 60 EUR, duration 8-9h, 14 July
The hiking trip passes through Meenikunno Bog Reserve that was formed in in 1981 with the aim of protecting the Meenikunno bog, lakes and kame field landscape around them. Its uncommon type of bog, because it was partly formed by the invasion of a water body by land plants, however in other parts the bog peat lies on a sandy soil. Meenikunno bog arose as a result of the swamping of the dry, sandy land, beginning in the boreal climatic period more than 8000 years ago. Meenikunno bog has 19 mineral islands and ridges buried under its peat. These islands were hiding places for resistance fighters during Soviet annexation. An old tale tells that the Swedes built a wooden military pathway through Meenikunno during the Northern War. Now it has got truth, and it is observable on satellite maps.
The Meenikunno Reserve embraces two Nohipalu lakes, Valgejärv ’White lake’, and Mustjärv ’Black lake’. These lakes are connected with the bog trough karst and influenced by bog. Lakes are opposites – one with deep dark and other with very bright, clear water. During the trip there is favorable opportunity to swim in the bog lake.
We will also visit Ilumetsa craters – Põrguhaud ‘Hell’s grave/hole’ and Sügavhaud ‘Deep grave/hole’. Three structures (Neugrund, Kärdla, and Kaali) of proven impact origin make Estonia the most cratered country in the world by area. In addition, several candidate impact structures exist, waiting for future studies to determine their origin, among these Põrguhaud and Sügavhaud. Põrguhaud, the largest crater, has a diameter of 75–80 m at the top of the uplifted rim, and is 12.5 m deep. The crater is partly filled with a thin layer of gyttja and peat that is up to 2 m thick. Radiocarbon ages of 6030 ±100. Sügavhaud is not far from Põrguhaud, and it is ~50 m in diameter and ~4.5 m deep. We will walk to the Hell’s Grave crater along a well-maintained boardwalk, passing intriguing wooden sculptures.
After hiking (about 8 p.m.) we’ll have traditional Estonian meal, and wonderful chance to enjoy either traditional smoke sauna, or Finnish sauna. In 2014, UNESCO added Võromaa smoke sauna tradition in cultural heritage list. Although smoke sauna is still living tradition in Võromaa, not all Estonians have had opportunity to go to smoke sauna.
- You need comfortable, indicatively waterproof shoes, or second pair of shoes for change after walk.
- Raincoat just in case.
- Swimsuit for swimming and/or sauna.
- Hiking trip lasts about 4 hours. If you consider it necessary, you can take along some snacks and water.