Ethnographic workshops

Detailed descriptions of the workshops will be added soon. Please note that the workshops will only take place if there are enough participants. In case you pay and the workshop is cancelled, you will be refunded.

1) Bronze spirals workshop (7 EUR)

In the bronze spirals workshop you will learn an ancient technique of weaving coiled tubes in pattern. Create your own decorative item using woolen yarn and coiled wire tubes based on a historical headdress model. Bronze spiral tubes were used as ornamental elements on clothes and as headdress in Estonia and neighboring regions for over 1000 years (6th -19th century AD). No previous experience is necessary. All equipment and tools will be provided.

2) Cutting grass with a scythe (5 EUR)

If you want to know how the grim reaper keeps his scythe sharp at all times , come and try it out for yourself! Rather than reaping souls, you will learn how the scythe was (and continues to be) used for cutting grass. This is a workshop consisting of a theoretical and a practical part, taking altogether about 1.5 hours. You will learn how to make and keep your scythe functional, and which tools were used to sharpen it. You will also see what kind of different types of scythes were used in Estonia throughout the history. In the practical part, you can experience first hand what it is like to use a scythe and you can decide for yourself whether it is a viable option for reaping souls.

3) Making a sauna whisk (5 EUR)

If you’re a fan of the sauna or, on the contrary, know nothing about the tradition, this is the workshop for you! There is no authentic sauna without your fellow sauna-goer slapping you all over with a proper fresh sauna whisk! This sauna-”massage” is said to promote blood circulation, cleanse the body and mind and be good for your health in general.
During the workshop, you will learn different ways of making sauna whisks, and how and when to collect the proper material for the them. You will be taught how to twist and tie birch twigs properly. Most importantly, you will also learn how and what to do with your sauna whisk! Unfortunately, the sauna is not included in the workshop. You will, however, have a chance to use your whisk if you choose to participate in the excursion to the Meenikunno bog!

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