Euroopa dokumendikeskus

About the EDC

European Documentation Centres can be found at many European universities and research institutions, aiming at the development and furthering of knowledge about the European integration and supporting research on EU-related topics. 

In 1992, the UT Library joined the network of Europe Direct Information Centres with the purpose of providing information and counselling on EU-related subjects and matters. Since July of the same year, the Library has been receiving EU official publications. 

In Estonia, our aim is to provide people with the EU information at the most easily accessible sources. The network of Europe Direct Information Centres includes, besides the UT Library, also the EDCs at the Tallinn University of Technology Library and the Estonian National Library, as well as nine regional European Direct Information Centres (EDIC). The EU-related information and outreach activities are coordinated by the Government Communication Bureau of the Estonian Government Office and the Representation Office of the European Commission in Estonia.

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