Eesti filosoofia aastakonverents

EFAK XVI (2020/2021)





23-24 SEPTEMBER 2021




  • Peter Singer (Princetoni Ülikool, via Zoom)

Tartu Ülikooli filosoofia osakond korraldab 23-24. septembril Tartus järjekorras kuueteistkümnenda Eesti filosoofia aastakonverentsi.

Konverentsi peaesineja on  Princetoni ülikooli filosoofiaprofessor Peter Singer. Seoses Singeri mõjuka raamatu “Loomade vabastamine” ilmumisega eesti keeles on ühel konverentsi päeval kavas Singeri tunniajane esinemine formaadis “In Conversation with Peter Singer”, mille raames ta vastab ka kuulajate küsimustele.


Konverentsile ootame abstrakte erinevatel filosoofia teemadel (nii eesti kui inglise keeles) ja ettepanekuid sümpoosioniteks filosoofia päevakajalistel teemadel. Abstraktide pikkuseks on 200-300 sõna, juurde tuleb märkida ka autori nimi ja seotud organisatsioon. Sümpoosioni ettepanekute juurde palume lisada osalejate nimed. Tähtaeg on 15.august (k.a.) 2021 ning esitada tuleks need elektrooniliselt


Loodame konverentsi korraldada koha peal, vajadusel võimalik ka ettekanded distantsilt.


Konverentsi korraldab: Tartu Ülikooli filosoofia osakond



23-24 SEPTEMBER 2021


Keynote speaker:

  • Peter Singer (Princeton University, via Zoom)

The Philosophy Department of the University of Tartu organizes the 16th edition of the Estonian Annual Philosophy Conference. Our keynote guest is Peter Singer to mark the imminent publication of the Estonian translation of Animal Liberation (1975) – the book that placed animal ethics at the center of professional philosophy as well as proving immensely influential outside academia. Kadri Simm (Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy, University of Tartu) will join Peter Singer in a conversation, during which he will also answer the audience’s questions.  

We invite the submission of abstracts on any topic in philosophy (whether or not related to Singer’s work), in Estonian or in English. We also welcome proposals for symposia on a common theme or on a recently published book. Please send an abstract or a symposium proposal of 200 to 300 words to: The abstract must include author’s name and affiliation. A symposium proposal must also include names of participants. Submission deadline: August 15th, 2021

The conference will be held physically on the premises of the University of Tartu, but we will be able to accommodate contributors who prefer to present remotely.

Conference organizer: Department of Philosophy, University of Tartu

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