EBSCO search
Tutorials for using EBSCO host
- Introduction to EBSCO host (4 min) https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/Introduction-to-EBSCOhost-Tutorial?language=en_US
Introduction to EBSCO searching interface; choosing databases; search modes; basic search example (global warming); refining search results; preview; saving and sharing results; page options; search history; preferences.
- EBSCOhost Basic Search (2 min) https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/Basic-Searching-on-EBSCOhost-Tutorial?language=en_US
Basic search example (climate change); search options; refining search results; detailed record; tools (exporting, citing etc.).
- EBSCOhost Advanced Search (3 min) https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/Advanced-Searching-on-EBSCOhost-Tutorial?language=en_US
Guided style searching; choosing search fields; refining search results; tools (exporting, citing etc.).
- Browsing Subject Terms in EBSCOhost Databases (2 min) https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/Browsing-Subject-Terms-in-EBSCOhost-Databases-Tutorial?language=en_US
If you have trouble coming up with a subject term to search for, you can use the thesaurus to see what subject terms are used in the database you want to use.
- Using the EBSCOhost Search History (2 min) https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/Using-the-EBSCOhost-Search-History-Tutorial?language=en_US
This tutorial demonstrates the EBSCOhost Search History feature, including editing a search, saving a search, and editing a saved search.
- Creating a Search Alert in EBSCOhost (1,5 min) https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/Creating-a-Search-Alert-in-EBSCOhost-Tutorial?language=en_US
This tutorial demonstrates how to create a search alert on the EBSCOhost interface.
For more tutorials see: https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/Where-can-I-find-tutorials-on-EBSCO-interfaces?language=en_US.