EBSCO search

Tutorials for using EBSCO host

Introduction to EBSCO searching interface; choosing databases; search modes; basic search example (global warming); refining search results; preview; saving and sharing results; page options; search history; preferences.

Basic search example (climate change); search options; refining search results; detailed record; tools (exporting, citing etc.).

Guided style searching; choosing search fields; refining search results; tools (exporting, citing etc.).

If you have trouble coming up with a subject term to search for, you can use the thesaurus to see what subject terms are used in the database you want to use.

This tutorial demonstrates the EBSCOhost Search History feature, including editing a search, saving a search, and editing a saved search. 

This tutorial demonstrates how to create a search alert on the EBSCOhost interface.

For more tutorials see: https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/Where-can-I-find-tutorials-on-EBSCO-interfaces?language=en_US.

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