EARLI SIG 10, 21 and 25


The submission of proposals is no longer available.

The conference organizers are expecting the following submissions of proposals:

  • symposia (summary of symposium 300 words, summary of each paper 500 words, up to 4 papers)
  • papers (summary of 500 words)
  • posters (summary of 300 words)
  • data sessions (summary of 300 words)
  • work-in-progress (summary of 300 words)

The conference organizers encourage symposia proposals.  Individual authors who wish to know possible partners for symposium proposal are offered to contact the scientific committee before February the 1st.

The data sessions are interesting since they provide the presenter with other researchers’ analytical reading of an empirical material. It also provides opportunity for those who attend to experience how different analytical approaches are used in practice.

Every presenter has 60 minutes for his/her submission. All preparations are made by the presenter.

Format: Only give a short introduction to the data material (max 10 min), then let the participants in the session engage with the data and with analytic work: reading the transcripts/watching video a couple of times and discussing in pairs. Take a round, ask for comments.

Material: Copy and bring handouts of maximum 2 pages of transcribed material translated into English. If you want to bring for instance video recordings along with the transcripts, make sure to bring the selected clips easy to be found on your own laptop and please check that it works in advance.

The work-in-progress is a way to get cricital and constructive input on an unfinished paper from two discussants who have prepared comments (one junior and one senior colleague). The main idea is to collaboratively advance ongoing research in the field, by discussing the quality of preliminary analysis, a theoretical argument, etcetera before the paper finds its final shape. The audience will also have the opportunity to read in advance and contribute to the discussion.

Every presenter has 45 minutes for his/her submission. The deadline for Work-In-Progress papers is 1st of August, after that the discussants will prepare comments. If the paper is not submitted before the 1st of August, the submission will be listed as ordinary paper.

Format: Give an introduction (15 min) of your intentions with the paper you are working on. Two appointed discussants will take on the job to comment (20-25 min). Some time will be left for others to contribute.

Material: Work-In-Progress (unfinished manuscript or part of analysis) which still may be altered, re-framed and re-analysed etc.

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