Digital Youth

3.2.2. Explaining smart youth work

Defining smart youth work

There is no definition in the document formulated as „smart youth work is …“. However, the part describing the understanding and characteristics including aims and objectives of smart youth work provides a good source for gaining an overview of different aspects of the concept. Most importantly, all Member States have agreed these formulations.

The understanding of the concept ‘Smart youth work’ is described as “the innovative development of youth work encompassing digital youth work practice, and including a research, quality and policy component”. It is important to underline that the concept does not define smart youth work as a type or method of youth work, but as a innovative way to develop youth work. The practice involving digital technology to deliver youth work – tools, platforms, online environment – ie “digital youth work” is therefore part pf the approach to develop innovative youth work. Later in the document the meaning of the concept is described as: smart youth work means making use of and addressing digital media and technologies”.


Aims and objectives of smart youth work

The main aim of the smart youth work is to “explore the interactions of young people and youth work with digital media and technologies in order to support and enhance the positive opportunities these interactions create”.  More concrete objectives include:

  • to enrich the opportunities of all young people for information, for access to youth work, for participation, for non-formal and informal learning, by exploiting new spaces and formats for youth work in meaningful ways;
  • to support the motivation, capacity and competence building of youth workers and youth leaders to be able to develop and implement smart youth work;
  • to create better understanding of youth and youth work and support the quality of youth work and youth policy through more efficient use of data-driven developments and technologies for analysing data.


Guiding principles

  • Smart youth work builds upon the ethics, existing principles, knowledge, practices, methods and other assets of youth work and harnesses the full potential of technological developments in the digital society.
  • Smart youth work builds upon the needs of young people, youth workers, youth leaders and other stakeholders supporting youth. It also takes into account the wider societal context, including globalization, networking, e-solutions etc., providing opportunities for experimentation, reflection and learning from these experiences.
  • Development of smart youth work should be built upon the active engagement of young people themselves, allowing them to best contribute their already existing digital competences as well as to develop additional ones, while also benefiting from respective peer support.
  • Smart youth work shall respect the privacy and safety of all young people, and safeguard their rights.

In conclusion, the explanation of the concept formulated in the conclusions highlights several important points:

  • smart youth work is about the innovative development of youth work;
  • the values and principles of general youth work apply also for smart youth work;
  • smart youth work approach is necessary for youth work to be relevant and involved in catering for the need to gain the most from using digital media and technologies.

This need seems to be increasingly important to pay attention to as the digital divide is moving from being related to the issue of access to being about how and what for (see the recent “Study on the impact of the internet and social media on youth participation and youth work” Theben, A., Porcu, F., Peña-López, I., Lupiáñez-Villanueva, F. (2018)).

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