Digital English Studies



This site lists the pDigital_Libraryublicly available materials for the course “Digital English Studies” (HVLC.01.068). The course is part of the MA studies curriculum “European Languages and Cultures” at the University of Tartu, the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures. By and large, the course gives an overview of the different ways in which computers can be used as tools for scholarly research on the various aspects of English studies: English linguistics, teaching and learning English, the literature and culture of English-speaking countries.

The materials include useful references, resources, list of key concepts and tests for self-testing.

Contact and feedback

Jane Klavan
Associate Professor of English Language, University of Tartu
Department of English Studies
Ülikooli 18, 51009
Tartu, Estonia

The study material has been designed by Jane Klavan, supported by Haridus-ja noorteameti IT-akadeemia (project: “Võõrkeeltega seotud erialaste digipädevuste arendamine Tartu Ülikooli maailma keelte ja kultuuride kolledžis”).