Databases and e-journals

Databases accessible for the University of Tartu

The databases open for the University of Tartu can be accessed via the link Databases on the Library homepage. The link leads to an alphabetical list of databases.
To find databases on your subject, choose one of the Faculties: Medicina, Realia et naturalia, Socialia, or Humaniora.

Read a short description of each database below its name to understand its scope and features.

Many specialties are provided with abstract databases that enable one to get an overview of all materials published in the given field (newspaper articles and other sources, e.g. conference proceedings, dissertations, articles in various collections, books, book reviews, etc.). Besides bibliographic data, abstract databases also contain abstracts of articles or other documents. For example, ERIC (education), APA PsycInfo (psychology), MLA International Bibliography (linguistics and literary science), and SciFinder Scholar (chemistry). Medline (medicine), SportDiscus, and many others.

Some databases may be both abstract and full-text databases at the same time. For instance, the EBSCO database Academic Search Ultimate offers bibliographic data and abstracts for more than 12,500 journal titles and full texts of articles for 10,000 journal titles. 

Databases are interlinked. Quite often, it is possible, when searching a bibliographic or reference database, to get information on whether the item can be accessed and read immediately.

Many databases are accessible from a common platform, and a common user interface can search them.
Abstracts and full-text databases of different fields of science, as well as the multidisciplinary abstracts and full-text database Academic Search Ultimate, are accessible via the EBSCO host on the EBSCO platform. On the search page, you can specify which databases you want to search.

With EBSCO Discovery, you can search most databases and other information resources that are accessible to the University of Tartu at once.

With Web of Science, you can access the Clarivate Analytics citation database, Web of Science Core Collection, and the Journal Citation Reports database, which reflects journal impact factors. Essential Science Indicators is a database that helps analyze and evaluate the quality of research at the levels of scientists, institutions, and countries.

SCOPUS is a multidisciplinary abstracts and citations database that belongs to the information and analytics company Elsevier. It offers abstracts for more than 15,000 scientific journals. Based on the publisher’s assessment, the database includes about 80% of international peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Web of Science Core Collection and SCOPUS are similar to each other to a certain extent, their main difference being that the SCOPUS’s selection of journals is wider, but the WOS’s selection has a longer temporal range. These databases complement each other, and the University of Tartu Library is happy to have access to both of them.

There are also a number of publisher-specific databases that contain the e-journals of a single publisher. These publishers offer their e-journals in their own databases on separate platforms. The University of Tartu Library has access to the following publishers’ e-journal databases containing journals from different fields of science.
Cambridge Journals 
Emerald  Insight
Oxford Academic Journals
Sage Journals Online 
Springer Nature Link 
Taylor & Francis Online  
Wiley Online Library 

JSTOR (Journal Storage – The Scholarly Journal Archive) is an important multidisciplinary full-text database. This is an archive of scholarly journals, giving access mainly to older volumes of journals, mostly from the beginning of the publication of the journals. The database does not include 3-5 recent volumes of the journals. Access to recent volumes of these journals should be checked at the library portal of e-journals.

Project Muse is a collection of e-journals on the humanities and social sciences.

Annual Reviews contain review journals on different subject areas.

There are a number of other full-text databases that contain journals on only one subject area, either from one or several different publishers, such as e-journals of the American Chemical Society and American Physical SocietyAmerican Society for MicrobiologyBeck-Online (law), BioOne Fulltext (biology and environmental science), BREPOLIS databases (the humanities), CSIRO Publishing  (natural sciences), IEEE Xplore (computer science, electronics), Institute of Physics (IOP) electronic journalsNature Publishing e-journalsPsycArticles and others.

The University of Tartu Library also offers access to the statistics database IMD World Competitiveness Online.

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