Center of Genomics, Evolution and Medicine

Seminar „Deeptech Enterpreneurship“

You have a great scientific idea that can have commercial value. How to proceed? Will you start your own company? Will you find collaboration partners?

What kind of support you can get from Universities and funding bodies? What kind of obstacles one meets when starting a science-backed venture? Come, listen, learn and discuss.


Seminar „Deeptech Enterpreneurship“

16-17 February, Pühajärve puhkekeskus, 1.5 days


Speakers: Samela Kivilo from SpecialistVC and other representatives from leading Estonian deeptech venture capital funds and Startup Estonia ecosystem. Mart Maasik from UniTartu Ventures and University of Tartu Center of Enterpreneurship and Innovation, Meelis Kadaja from Nanordica Medical and representatives from leading Estonian accelerator programs (Health Founders and Healthtech Science Accelerators) and well as science incubators. And last but not least – academic-founders from science-powered startups will discuss their journey in the startup world. 


Topics: Intellectual property laws and strategy; technology readiness levels and process to bring innovation to market; role of venture capital in accelerating growth in tech companies; role of business development in early stage ventures; and models how Universities can support knowledge transfer from academia to business.


Exact programme TBA.


Free bus leaves from Tartu in the morning of 16-th and back from Pühajärve after the end of the programme.


1 EAP for PhD students is possible from institute of technology (professional development during PhD studies).


Registration until 6. february:

Max 40 participants. 


Organisers: Prof Tõnu Esko and Prof Tanel Tenson

Organized by cGEM project together with MIBEst project – Molecular Infection Biology Estonia.